Sunday, January 18, 2015

Truth about the release of 200 Yazidi captives by I.S.I.S. today

Just watched CNN and saw a news release about I.S.I.S. releasing about 200 Yazidi children and elderly women. It was not out of the goodness of their heart. Nobody acted as a go between for their release. Allah did not wipe the slime from their heart. It was economics. These children and elderly could not be sold as slaves. Bullets are getting expensive. Those that torture, mutilate, and kill need a break. I.S.I.S. handed out pamphlets in their places of worship in December to tell the men how to have sex with underage Yazidi girls.It also told them how to go about sharing their sex slaves. Go to the following Internet page for videos about I.S.I.S. and their acts of abomination.

There are other video's on this site. Please watch all of these videos and learn about their every day action that serve hell.

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