A couple of days ago, I watched I a news program by Wolf Blitzer on CNN. A prominent Muslim and Rabbi were talking about terrorists They agreed about most talking points except one. The Muslim was asked why mainstream members of his faith practice did not speak out against radical Muslims. He talked in circles. It eventually came down to "Why should they speak out?"
I had to think about my answer. On CNN this afternoon it came out during the afternoon news that about 3400 westerners had joined the radical Muslim groups. These people were looking for something that they felt their current faith practice did not offer. The Muslim mainstream needs to step up and vocally speak out about why they have what these westerners are looking for. They can teach what Muhammad really said. It goes without saying that Mainstream Christians must do the same. Rabbi's need to speak out about what Judaism has to offer. No one spoke out about they have to offer in place of the psychopathic radical Muslim terrorists. Guess who speaks out about what they have to offer? The psychopaths speak out.
I have typed in some addresses where a person can go an find out about the three faith practices that I listed. If what you want is no there, go on the internet and type in religious faith practice.
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