Terrorists are an abomination to the Supreme Being of all faith practices. After their death, judgement and punishment for their crimes against humanity will be swift but exact. Unlike their victims who suffered only till they died, they will suffer for all eternity.
The question comes into play on how they should pay for their crimes here on earth. I believe they should be sentenced to live their natural life in the following type of prison setting.
They should be placed into an all white prison completely devoid of color. No person in this prison is to have any color on their body except white. Lights are to be kept on 24 hours a day. A Imam needs to record the true Koran not the altered version that terrorist use. This should be played 24 hours a day. No contact with other prisoners. No television, books, radio, or visitors. Three bland meals a day. Medical care for physical problems. An Imam for mental problems. They must be on 24 hour a day for suicide watch.
These individuals set themselves above the world and the supreme being. This was a nightmare in hell for all living creatures they were in contact with. So they should live their life out of contact with any living creature. Listening to the true Koran playing constantly may eventually bring them away from Iblis and into the light of the supreme being. The must pay for their crimes on earth so the sentence will not change. They must be sentenced to live.
Please go to the following links for more information.
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