I have been following the news about Indiana's oppressive religious freedom law. First off, I never use the word religious if I can help it. Religion is a cult. When asked, I tell people that I am a follower of Christ. My faith practice is non-denominational. Other people use terms they feel comfortable with.
The term religious conservative is bandied about when people talk about this law. I did not know why that phrase left a bad taste in my mouth. So, I looked up the definition in the urban dictionary. It
was very accurate for how I feel about this phrase. Others that I talked felt the same. See the link below.
Lonewalker found a question regarding this on the Facebook page of a friend. It says it all.
"Jesus regularly ate dinner with thieves and prostitutes but your telling me it's against your religion to bake a cake for a gay person?
I read the following information before blogging.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Pray for Fresno Firefighter
It takes a special person to become a firefighter. They put their lives on the line everyday they go to work. This firefighter fell through a roof. His fellow firefighters got him out in about 3 minutes. During this very short time, he suffered burns over 60% of his body. About 40% of these burns were third degree burns. The remaining about 20% were second degree burns.
He is in critical condition. Pray for him and his family. He needs all the prayers you can offer.
I read information from the following links before blogging.
He is in critical condition. Pray for him and his family. He needs all the prayers you can offer.
I read information from the following links before blogging.
Boko Haram does their own chainsaw massacre
This group of hell's rejects continues in their bid to outshine all known psychopaths. In Nigeria they chose not to help the locals, feed the hungry, create jobs or any other efforts at humanitarian aide. They made no effort to work within the countries election system. So hell's rejects decided to act like a psychopathic teenager in need of major tranquilizers They fired up their chainsaws and cut off as many heads as possible.
I read the material from the following links before blogging.
I read the material from the following links before blogging.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Prank - "Put 'em in a coffin" will earn you a felony at the least
Everyone likes to laugh. It should never be at the expense of others. Jokes and pranks are funny except when they are at the expense of others. This joke /prank causes high dollar damage. The joke is on the prankster when they catch a felony charge. There goes career choices and college. Fast food jobs exclude those with a felony charge. Paying the price for this prank opens up the job choice of street hustler. Think before you try this.
I read the following before posting.
I read the following before posting.
Daesh / Daw'aish (isis) still a Stain on the Underpants of Iblis
Due to illness, I have not blogged for several weeks. I used Google to look up what daesh / daw'aish
has been doing. Somehow their magical thinking has led them to believe they can get away with putting a hit list of American Soldiers and their families out for others to do.
Hey, you lumpy stains! Ignore the glitches on your internet. Its just old wires. Do not worry about that feeling of being watched. The hairs on the back of your neck are standing up because you need a bath.The sounds that you hear outside your are normal night noises. When American soldiers or law officers come for you, it will be felt hard.
Otherwise, Daesh / Daw'aish continues to cement its slide into the larder of Iblis. They bring shame to the Prophet. Murder, rape, theft, and destruction of all manner is done under his name. The fruits of Zaqqum will truly be the least of their afterlife worries.
I read material from the following links before blogging.
has been doing. Somehow their magical thinking has led them to believe they can get away with putting a hit list of American Soldiers and their families out for others to do.
Hey, you lumpy stains! Ignore the glitches on your internet. Its just old wires. Do not worry about that feeling of being watched. The hairs on the back of your neck are standing up because you need a bath.The sounds that you hear outside your are normal night noises. When American soldiers or law officers come for you, it will be felt hard.
Otherwise, Daesh / Daw'aish continues to cement its slide into the larder of Iblis. They bring shame to the Prophet. Murder, rape, theft, and destruction of all manner is done under his name. The fruits of Zaqqum will truly be the least of their afterlife worries.
I read material from the following links before blogging.
#Human Rights Abuse,
#isis hit list,
#isis sexual jihad,
#isis Terrorism,
#Islamic state hacking division,
Germanwings Flight 9525 crash into French Alps
Due to hospitalization, I have not blogged in several weeks. Today, I started watching the news to catch up. Immediately I felt sorrow for the families of the victims of Germanwings Flight 9525. The recovery of bodies was taking place on the feed that I saw. My heart filled with prayers for the families of the victims and for God's grace for the victims.
I felt horror when I heard how the crash happened. It seems the co-pilot locked the pilot out of the flight cabin. He was responsible for flying the plain into the mountain. I caution waiting for officials to finish their investigations. Please continue with your prayers for all associated this tragedy.
I read material from the following links before blogging.
I felt horror when I heard how the crash happened. It seems the co-pilot locked the pilot out of the flight cabin. He was responsible for flying the plain into the mountain. I caution waiting for officials to finish their investigations. Please continue with your prayers for all associated this tragedy.
I read material from the following links before blogging.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
N.Y.P.D. Please Think It Through Before Acting
It is human to want to escape from past mistakes. No person wants to have detailed information about their mistakes hanging around like dirty laundry. Going about this in a self-serving manner just ensures that the mistakes stay entrenched in the open longer.
Wikipedia does have an edit option for each of their articles. This means information that has verifiable sources can be added. The edit key does not not mean it is to be used to change or delete material for self-serving purposes.
All computers have an i.p. address that is linked to a location. It is easy to track an i.p. address. All of the computers linked to articles that had material changed or deleted were linked to "1 Police Plaza" according to the following links. These computers are registered to N.Y.P.D. Headquarters.
If these activities were not done by law enforcement, then passwords to all computers need to be changed. Also restrictions to who can use these computers should be put in place. In other words, use basic procedures to ensure safe use. Failure to do this will as the saying goes "Bite you on your butt at a later date."
Your response to to the actions written about should have been different. Own your mistakes. Institute procedure changes to prevent them from happening again. Educate your people. Establish better supervision of all law enforcement officers. Accept no deviation from standards. These actions are what changes the view people have of the police force. Then ,your mistakes will fade into growing pains.
Your response to questions about changes to Wikipedia articles was not well received. Under review or investigation from any police organization has taken on a new and bad meaning. This meaning implies. "If we ignore you long enough, will you go away?" The answer to that is an emphatic NO.
I read the material from the following links before blogging.
Wikipedia does have an edit option for each of their articles. This means information that has verifiable sources can be added. The edit key does not not mean it is to be used to change or delete material for self-serving purposes.
All computers have an i.p. address that is linked to a location. It is easy to track an i.p. address. All of the computers linked to articles that had material changed or deleted were linked to "1 Police Plaza" according to the following links. These computers are registered to N.Y.P.D. Headquarters.
If these activities were not done by law enforcement, then passwords to all computers need to be changed. Also restrictions to who can use these computers should be put in place. In other words, use basic procedures to ensure safe use. Failure to do this will as the saying goes "Bite you on your butt at a later date."
Your response to to the actions written about should have been different. Own your mistakes. Institute procedure changes to prevent them from happening again. Educate your people. Establish better supervision of all law enforcement officers. Accept no deviation from standards. These actions are what changes the view people have of the police force. Then ,your mistakes will fade into growing pains.
Your response to questions about changes to Wikipedia articles was not well received. Under review or investigation from any police organization has taken on a new and bad meaning. This meaning implies. "If we ignore you long enough, will you go away?" The answer to that is an emphatic NO.
I read the material from the following links before blogging.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Republican Senators send letter to Iran's Leader.
It has been hard to grasp what the Republican senators thought when they sent that infamous letter to Iran's leader. They deliberately got between the President and a leader of another country. To have "cajones" this big, they must not have heard of the Logan Act of 1799. Most likely they consider themselves as above the law. Yes the law is old but it still on the books. It labels them from I read as "traitor." I watched a few video's with these senators talking about the letter. Two words came to mind.while watching these videos. They are smug and sanctimonious,
They should dial it down. Do they not know that people working on a problem like the President and Iran's leader are all show. Each side pushing their own agenda until both sides get resolution. When the posturing is done a final document is made. Their interference was uncalled for.
I wonder through all of this if these so called adults have thought of the consequences of their actions. They have frightened those receiving social security disability in the past because they could. I guess that got old. Going after the President is wrong on so many levels. The worst part is that they have made the people who voted for them look like idiots. Maybe these same people will start a recall drive. I hope they will at the very least vote for someone else at the next election.
I read the material in the following links before blogging.
Discipline and Pride Lacking from Secret Service
I was drinking coffee while watching tv this morning when news about the Secret Service scrolled across the bottom of the screen. All I thought was that could have been worse but it dies not shock me. Apathy over their antics is what should be shocking.
When I used google to look into past mistakes, I was shocked. These individuals are highly trained and the cream of the crop. Only the best are accepted.. This has led to job entitlement. Their actions portray their high opinions of themselves. Why else would agents with alcohol on their breath be allowed to go home after crashing into a barricade. John Q. Public would be given a sobriety test on his way to jail. If a former president was impeached, then they are not above the law.
A director not of the Secret Service culture needs to be appointed. This is the only way to stop job entitlement. Discipline especially self discipline needs to be restored. Most of all pride in the organization and what it stands for needs to be restored.
I read material in the following links before blogging.
When I used google to look into past mistakes, I was shocked. These individuals are highly trained and the cream of the crop. Only the best are accepted.. This has led to job entitlement. Their actions portray their high opinions of themselves. Why else would agents with alcohol on their breath be allowed to go home after crashing into a barricade. John Q. Public would be given a sobriety test on his way to jail. If a former president was impeached, then they are not above the law.
A director not of the Secret Service culture needs to be appointed. This is the only way to stop job entitlement. Discipline especially self discipline needs to be restored. Most of all pride in the organization and what it stands for needs to be restored.
I read material in the following links before blogging.
Policeman shot naked man in Dekalb county, Georgia
There are some situations that I admit that leave me at a loss for words. One of these is the death of a naked man in Georgia. The officer responded to calls about his behavior while naked outside. Short cell phone video's on news feeds were not the actions of what is considered normal behavior. Mainly because he was naked. This naked man lunged at the policeman after being told to back up. He was shot twice.
At this point, I do not understand why he was shot. The cell phone video's show that he was completely naked with nothing in his hands. Pictures of the officer show that he is not a small in statue or muscles. This officer was taser trained and he had it on him. My question is why was the gun used instead?
I read the material in the following links before blogging.
At this point, I do not understand why he was shot. The cell phone video's show that he was completely naked with nothing in his hands. Pictures of the officer show that he is not a small in statue or muscles. This officer was taser trained and he had it on him. My question is why was the gun used instead?
I read the material in the following links before blogging.
Two Policeman shot in Ferguson
I was drinking coffee as I watched the news feed this morning. Two policeman were shot in Ferguson this morning while on crowd control. They were standing by in case they were needed. According to what I read, someone on a hill shot one in the face and one in the shoulder. These policeman did not work in Ferguson. They were from other towns helping out. Now they are in the hospital in critical condition.
This was not justified anger. It was cold blooded attempted murder by a thug with a small appendage. Justified anger works to form laws to correct a wrong. It gathers support to help elect those who uphold equal justice. Justified anger watches, records, and notifies the world when wrong occurs. This brings what is done in the dark into the light. Justified anger consults lawyers when necessary.
The shootings were wrong on all levels. Attempted murder can not be classified as protest. Those who did this do not want a peaceful ending to this situation. It is an excuse for to violence. When an innocent demonstrator is shot who will be available to help? What person in their right mind would step up to help? I would not. Yet, a person who has the calling to be a cop steps up. But, what if he or she is in the hospital because they got shot?
I went to the following links and read the material before posting.
This was not justified anger. It was cold blooded attempted murder by a thug with a small appendage. Justified anger works to form laws to correct a wrong. It gathers support to help elect those who uphold equal justice. Justified anger watches, records, and notifies the world when wrong occurs. This brings what is done in the dark into the light. Justified anger consults lawyers when necessary.
The shootings were wrong on all levels. Attempted murder can not be classified as protest. Those who did this do not want a peaceful ending to this situation. It is an excuse for to violence. When an innocent demonstrator is shot who will be available to help? What person in their right mind would step up to help? I would not. Yet, a person who has the calling to be a cop steps up. But, what if he or she is in the hospital because they got shot?
I went to the following links and read the material before posting.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Cerberus (Boko Haram) courts Iblis (Daehes / Daw'aish aka isis)
Generally when I think of Boko Haram , I envision pants with fecal stains all over the back side. In other words, something nasty and foul that needs to be disposed of. I was asked last week where I would place them on the evolutionary ladder if I had to do so. Cerberus the three headed hound of hell came to mind. Evil and nasty, able to perform only a single minor task with supervision. That supervision enforced by being chained to one spot.
To envision Daehes / Daw'aish is to see hell in all its forms in the middle of a cesspit. That cesspit under the evolutionary ladder catching all the foul drainage from above it. They feel and act as if the creations of God (humans) were something put on this earth to destroy at their leisure. All of their creative energies are used for this purpose. Words can not describe the horror of their actions. Please read the articles in the following links.
Now the right side of hell wants to marry into the left side of hell.They both need to wait. Iblis has room for both. He already has combinations in mind for both groups in his larder.
I read the following material before blogging.
To envision Daehes / Daw'aish is to see hell in all its forms in the middle of a cesspit. That cesspit under the evolutionary ladder catching all the foul drainage from above it. They feel and act as if the creations of God (humans) were something put on this earth to destroy at their leisure. All of their creative energies are used for this purpose. Words can not describe the horror of their actions. Please read the articles in the following links.
Now the right side of hell wants to marry into the left side of hell.They both need to wait. Iblis has room for both. He already has combinations in mind for both groups in his larder.
I read the following material before blogging.
#Human Rights Abuse,
#I.S.I.S. sexual jihad,
#Ignorance. #mental illness,
#Reuters. #WSBTV,
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Attack on U.S.Ambassador to South Korea
Watched the news feeds this morning while drinking coffee. The U.S, Ambassador ( Mark Lippert) to South Korea was attacked with a knife at a working breakfast luncheon It took 80 stitches to close the wound on his face. He will be in the hospital for a few days of observation.
Mark Lippert was doing his job. Kim Jong Un of North Korea praised the attacker for this act of terror. It is a sad day when the leader of a country promotes violence over discourse. He actions teach by example. His example is aggression and knee - jerk responses. A leader should have some vestiges of maturity.
I read the following before blogging.
Mark Lippert was doing his job. Kim Jong Un of North Korea praised the attacker for this act of terror. It is a sad day when the leader of a country promotes violence over discourse. He actions teach by example. His example is aggression and knee - jerk responses. A leader should have some vestiges of maturity.
I read the following before blogging.
Monday, March 2, 2015
Hamas has a new classification in Egypt
Since yesterday I have been checking the news feeds off and on. I had to take the time to read carefully about Hamas. Then I realized that I was not the one who did not understand.
Hamas is upset that it has been declared a terrorist organization. They seem to have forgotten their roots. In December of 1987 they were established as local political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood was declared a terrorist organization on December 25, 2013. Hamas was declared a terrorist organization Saturday Feb. 28, 2015. Murder was a theme for the actions of both groups.
Hamas has a history of violence. This apple did not fall far from the tree.
I read the following before blogging.
Hamas is upset that it has been declared a terrorist organization. They seem to have forgotten their roots. In December of 1987 they were established as local political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood was declared a terrorist organization on December 25, 2013. Hamas was declared a terrorist organization Saturday Feb. 28, 2015. Murder was a theme for the actions of both groups.
Hamas has a history of violence. This apple did not fall far from the tree.
I read the following before blogging.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Daehes / Daw'aish (isis) Continues to Mimic Hitler
Daehes / Daw'aish (isis) continue in their service to Iblis. Hitler's mass murdering, brutal, and sadistic actions appear to be the model they use for their behavior. These offspring of rogue dogs do not have the mental capacity like Hitler to incite people to burn books. Book burning's were an attempt to rewrite history. Daehes / Daw'aish (isis) is destroying ancient artifacts in a museum. These artifacts show how the people developed. Daehes / Daw'aish (isis) wants to destroy any evidence that history existed before them. This is evidence of their lack of mental capacity to understand history. History unlearned is history that will be repeated.
I read the following information before blogging.
I read the following information before blogging.
A Solution for Mohammad Emwazi AKA Jihadi John when Captured
Lone Walker read my blog and we had an interesting discussion about the most wanted terrorist Jihadi John who is Mohammed Emwazi according to the news media. In order to promote peace in the area, the following should be done if he is captured alive.
This two legged butt louse that fell from the testicles of Iblis needs to be kept alive. Suicide watch should be strongly considered. All things that might hold importance need to be removed from him.
Control needs to be taken from him. All body hair needs to be removed. Then place him in all pink from shoes, socks, pants, shirt, and underwear. Lights on bright 16 hours a day. No other material in his cell. During this time, a true Imam reading a non-altered Koran to be played softly for the 16 hours of daylight. The correct prison meals for Muslims to be served. For each incident of refusing to eat and drink, a feeding tube for each meal to be placed for nutrition and hydration and removed at the end of the meal. Removal is done to encourage him to eat and drink on his own at the next meal. this encouragement may be necessary for some time. When out of his cell, he is to be in shackles and wear a shock belt. All of this should be done and or supervised by women of all races and colors. No one is to talk to him except when necessary.
There are some who will wail how cruel and being mistreated is what made him bad. I say that is crap falling from from the mouths of people who should know better. Parents need to take charge of their children and remember one thing. They are not their children's friends but they are their parents. I don't advocate abuse but people need to consider one thing. If a child can not live and follow the rules of your house, how do you expect them to function in society. The child will know jail, prison, or worse. If they are out of control then seek help at an early age after a mental health evaluation .
All over the world there are people who had it bad growing up. They faced true abuse and cruel treatment from parents and authority figures. Yet, they did not grow up and join an organization that let them cut the heads off people. Some got help and raised children free from abuse. Others helped to form organizations and laws to prevent this. There are those as children who had the courage to tell authorities and get this abuse stopped.
When Emwazi is captured, ask Japan if they want to claim him for justice.. If they do not, ask Egypt if they want to claim him for justice. Let his life be a reminder. Everybody will face justice in one of three ways. The first way is at the time the crime is done. The second way is when the person has ordered his life to fit into society. They think that no one can connect their crimes to them. The final way justice is faced happens on judgement day. Nothing has ever escaped the eyes and ears of God.
This two legged butt louse that fell from the testicles of Iblis needs to be kept alive. Suicide watch should be strongly considered. All things that might hold importance need to be removed from him.
Control needs to be taken from him. All body hair needs to be removed. Then place him in all pink from shoes, socks, pants, shirt, and underwear. Lights on bright 16 hours a day. No other material in his cell. During this time, a true Imam reading a non-altered Koran to be played softly for the 16 hours of daylight. The correct prison meals for Muslims to be served. For each incident of refusing to eat and drink, a feeding tube for each meal to be placed for nutrition and hydration and removed at the end of the meal. Removal is done to encourage him to eat and drink on his own at the next meal. this encouragement may be necessary for some time. When out of his cell, he is to be in shackles and wear a shock belt. All of this should be done and or supervised by women of all races and colors. No one is to talk to him except when necessary.
There are some who will wail how cruel and being mistreated is what made him bad. I say that is crap falling from from the mouths of people who should know better. Parents need to take charge of their children and remember one thing. They are not their children's friends but they are their parents. I don't advocate abuse but people need to consider one thing. If a child can not live and follow the rules of your house, how do you expect them to function in society. The child will know jail, prison, or worse. If they are out of control then seek help at an early age after a mental health evaluation .
All over the world there are people who had it bad growing up. They faced true abuse and cruel treatment from parents and authority figures. Yet, they did not grow up and join an organization that let them cut the heads off people. Some got help and raised children free from abuse. Others helped to form organizations and laws to prevent this. There are those as children who had the courage to tell authorities and get this abuse stopped.
When Emwazi is captured, ask Japan if they want to claim him for justice.. If they do not, ask Egypt if they want to claim him for justice. Let his life be a reminder. Everybody will face justice in one of three ways. The first way is at the time the crime is done. The second way is when the person has ordered his life to fit into society. They think that no one can connect their crimes to them. The final way justice is faced happens on judgement day. Nothing has ever escaped the eyes and ears of God.
#Ignorance. #mental illness,
#jihadi john,
#Mohammed Emwazi,
#Reuters. #WSBTV,
Jihadi John AKA Mohammad Emwazi
Life sometimes is hard and not fare on children growing up. People who are supposed to help cause more harm by their ignorance and narrow minds. Children like adults turn to their faith during these trials. Through this faith, they seek guidance and rescue. God did not promise that our life would be free of pain or emotional stress. He walked this earth and suffered stress, pain, and death. Because he made us, he knows that we can follow in his steps and endure like he did. He said that he would walk by our side.
The Jihadi Johns occur when people turn their anger at the hand life deals them against the world. Their heart and mind becomes closed. They want others to feel their sorrow and pain, and then die for them. It seems they have a internal rage that can not be sated. The actions of this rage leads them straight to hell.
Jihadi John AKA Mohammad Emwazi according to the news media needs to consider the following information. Hitler was a mass murderer who thought he could kill without consequence. He killed himself rather than face justice. Saddam Hussein was pulled out of a hole in the ground like a rat to face justice. Osama bin Laden was tracked down through several countries. He met justice one dark night with our help. The United States is not the only country that wants to arrange a face to face with God for Jihadi John AKA Mohammad Emwazi.
Jihadi John AKA Mohammad Emwazi should listen closely to night sounds around him. His concern should not be what is making the sounds but who is making the sounds. The quality of his food and water is a good area of concern for him. A question to ask is who not what touched these things before him. A close watch on those around him is prudent.. A question to ask is are they related to someone that was butchered? This is not the thoughts or actions of a paranoid person. The whole world wants the honor of saying they ended him. Judgement for his actions may be slow in coming but it is coming. A diet of the fruits zaqqum for all eternity is part of what awaits him in eternity for his crimes.
I read the following information before writing this blog.
The Jihadi Johns occur when people turn their anger at the hand life deals them against the world. Their heart and mind becomes closed. They want others to feel their sorrow and pain, and then die for them. It seems they have a internal rage that can not be sated. The actions of this rage leads them straight to hell.
Jihadi John AKA Mohammad Emwazi according to the news media needs to consider the following information. Hitler was a mass murderer who thought he could kill without consequence. He killed himself rather than face justice. Saddam Hussein was pulled out of a hole in the ground like a rat to face justice. Osama bin Laden was tracked down through several countries. He met justice one dark night with our help. The United States is not the only country that wants to arrange a face to face with God for Jihadi John AKA Mohammad Emwazi.
Jihadi John AKA Mohammad Emwazi should listen closely to night sounds around him. His concern should not be what is making the sounds but who is making the sounds. The quality of his food and water is a good area of concern for him. A question to ask is who not what touched these things before him. A close watch on those around him is prudent.. A question to ask is are they related to someone that was butchered? This is not the thoughts or actions of a paranoid person. The whole world wants the honor of saying they ended him. Judgement for his actions may be slow in coming but it is coming. A diet of the fruits zaqqum for all eternity is part of what awaits him in eternity for his crimes.
I read the following information before writing this blog.
#Human Rights Abuse,
#jihadi john,
#Mohammed Emwazi,
#Reuters. #WSBTV,
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