Lone Walker read my blog and we had an interesting discussion about the most wanted terrorist Jihadi John who is Mohammed Emwazi according to the news media. In order to promote peace in the area, the following should be done if he is captured alive.
This two legged butt louse that fell from the testicles of Iblis needs to be kept alive. Suicide watch should be strongly considered. All things that might hold importance need to be removed from him.
Control needs to be taken from him. All body hair needs to be removed. Then place him in all pink from shoes, socks, pants, shirt, and underwear. Lights on bright 16 hours a day. No other material in his cell. During this time, a true Imam reading a non-altered Koran to be played softly for the 16 hours of daylight. The correct prison meals for Muslims to be served. For each incident of refusing to eat and drink, a feeding tube for each meal to be placed for nutrition and hydration and removed at the end of the meal. Removal is done to encourage him to eat and drink on his own at the next meal. this encouragement may be necessary for some time. When out of his cell, he is to be in shackles and wear a shock belt. All of this should be done and or supervised by women of all races and colors. No one is to talk to him except when necessary.
There are some who will wail how cruel and being mistreated is what made him bad. I say that is crap falling from from the mouths of people who should know better. Parents need to take charge of their children and remember one thing. They are not their children's friends but they are their parents. I don't advocate abuse but people need to consider one thing. If a child can not live and follow the rules of your house, how do you expect them to function in society. The child will know jail, prison, or worse. If they are out of control then seek help at an early age after a mental health evaluation .
All over the world there are people who had it bad growing up. They faced true abuse and cruel treatment from parents and authority figures. Yet, they did not grow up and join an organization that let them cut the heads off people. Some got help and raised children free from abuse. Others helped to form organizations and laws to prevent this. There are those as children who had the courage to tell authorities and get this abuse stopped.
When Emwazi is captured, ask Japan if they want to claim him for justice.. If they do not, ask Egypt if they want to claim him for justice. Let his life be a reminder. Everybody will face justice in one of three ways. The first way is at the time the crime is done. The second way is when the person has ordered his life to fit into society. They think that no one can connect their crimes to them. The final way justice is faced happens on judgement day. Nothing has ever escaped the eyes and ears of God.
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