I was drinking coffee as I watched the news feed this morning. Two policeman were shot in Ferguson this morning while on crowd control. They were standing by in case they were needed. According to what I read, someone on a hill shot one in the face and one in the shoulder. These policeman did not work in Ferguson. They were from other towns helping out. Now they are in the hospital in critical condition.
This was not justified anger. It was cold blooded attempted murder by a thug with a small appendage. Justified anger works to form laws to correct a wrong. It gathers support to help elect those who uphold equal justice. Justified anger watches, records, and notifies the world when wrong occurs. This brings what is done in the dark into the light. Justified anger consults lawyers when necessary.
The shootings were wrong on all levels. Attempted murder can not be classified as protest. Those who did this do not want a peaceful ending to this situation. It is an excuse for to violence. When an innocent demonstrator is shot who will be available to help? What person in their right mind would step up to help? I would not. Yet, a person who has the calling to be a cop steps up. But, what if he or she is in the hospital because they got shot?
I went to the following links and read the material before posting.
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