Saturday, March 14, 2015

N.Y.P.D. Please Think It Through Before Acting

It is human to want to escape from past mistakes. No person wants to have detailed information about their mistakes hanging around like dirty laundry. Going about this in a self-serving manner just ensures  that the mistakes stay entrenched  in the open longer.

Wikipedia does have an edit option for each of their articles. This means information that has verifiable sources can be added. The edit key does not not mean it is to be used to change or delete material for self-serving purposes.

All computers have an i.p. address that is linked to a location.  It is easy to track an i.p. address. All of the computers linked to articles that had material changed or deleted were linked to "1 Police Plaza" according to the following links. These computers are registered to N.Y.P.D. Headquarters.

 If these activities were not done  by law enforcement, then passwords to all computers need to be changed. Also restrictions to who can use these computers should be put in place. In other words, use basic procedures to ensure safe use. Failure to do this will as the saying goes "Bite you on your butt at a later date."

Your response to to the actions written about should have been different. Own your mistakes. Institute procedure changes to prevent them from happening again. Educate your people. Establish better supervision of all law enforcement officers. Accept no deviation from standards. These actions are what changes the view people have of the police force. Then ,your mistakes will fade into growing pains.

Your response to  questions about  changes to Wikipedia articles was not well received. Under review or investigation from any police organization has taken on a new and bad meaning. This meaning implies. "If we ignore you long enough, will you go away?" The answer to that is an emphatic NO.

I read the material from the following links before blogging.

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