Thursday, March 12, 2015

Republican Senators send letter to Iran's Leader.

It has been hard to grasp what the Republican senators thought when they sent that infamous letter to Iran's leader. They deliberately got between the President and a leader of another country. To have "cajones" this big, they must not have heard of the Logan Act of 1799. Most likely they consider themselves as above the law. Yes the law is old but it still on the books. It labels them from I read as "traitor." I watched a few video's with these senators talking about the letter. Two words came to mind.while watching these videos. They are smug and sanctimonious,

They should dial it down. Do they not know that people working on a problem like the President and Iran's leader are all show. Each side pushing their own agenda until both sides get resolution. When the posturing is done a final document is made. Their interference was uncalled for.

 I wonder through all of this if these so called adults have thought of the consequences of their actions. They have frightened those receiving social security disability in the past because they could. I guess that got old.  Going after the President is wrong on so many levels. The worst part is that  they have made the people who voted for them look like idiots. Maybe these same people will start a recall drive. I hope they will at the very least vote for someone else at the next election.

I read the material in the following links before blogging.

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