Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Why is President Trump pushing his tax reform so early?

Tax reform is being pushed by President Trump before information is even seen by Democrats or Republicans.  He wants to cut off the Democrats at the pass.  From his own mouth, he has said it will benefit the middle class. Cutting the taxes on businesses that make a lot of money benefits only  the upper economic class.

STOP! Mr. President you have forgotten one very important economic group. We are the group that the middle class stands on.  People like you stand on the back of the upper class. The lower economic class is the base of the pyramid that the middle and upper economic class stand on. My mother taught me one thing that you seem not to know. I have found that it applies to businesses and large organizations,  (Be careful of the backs you climb over to get to the top. They are connected to the behinds that you might have to kiss on the way down.)

I never use the word social in front of economic. There has been changes in our culture. Knowing what to wear to a dinner party or what fork to use does not indicate that social mores are present. I have known and  helped  people in the lower economic class when I could walk without falling. There is more grace, dignity, and social mores present in this economic class than any others.

Now in the midst of a natural disaster bigger than any I could find listed for this country, our President want to push his agenda on tax reform.  There is a time and place for everything. This is not the time and place for the President to do this.

I can't find material available on this tax reform. Paul Ryan And Mitch McConnell are working on their own plans. When a person or President does this, there is only one question to be asked. Mr. President, I am extremely tired for 60 questions. What have you done and where are the bones buried?

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

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