Friday, July 27, 2018

North Korea has deviated from its past behavior

7,000 US soldiers are missing and presumed dead in North Korea from the war that ended 65 years ago. The issue of war versus conflict is to me a matter of semantics. Both involve shooting and killing. How this war/conflict ended is also a matter of semantics.  If both sides no longer shoot and kill each other, the war/conflict is over. Signing a piece of paper to this effect is "just icing on a cake." President Trump and Kim Jong Un worked on this issue among many others.

Kim Jong Un has turned over 55 boxes to the US. The boxes will flown be to Hawaii. All boxes will be opened to see what they hold. The human contents will have their DNA tested to see who and how many people are in the boxes. When verified, the families will be notified. The mystery of what happened will be laid to rest. Please pray for the families of the soldiers notified or keep them in your positive thoughts. Please do the same for those who are not included in this notifications.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

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