President Trump,it doesn't take a degree in psychology to know what you meant by calling negative news about you "fake." You have such a big ego that you actually believe you are never wrong. Anything that calls attention to the fact that you are wrong is negative about you. You do not tolerate truth about you that is negative. The truth that is negative about you must be fake. Saying the word "fake" loud and long enough produces verbal diarrhea that clouds some peoples judgment. They actually start to believe you for a while. Its like Hitler and his loud drums at all his speeches. Listening to loud drums continuously with Hitler's verbal diarrhea being yelled over loudspeakers led people to believe some of what he said. I am disgusted that you have stooped so low to treat and think Americans as mentally slow enough not to see what you are doing.
To use the term "witch hunt" so freely, is a slam against education on history. The leaders from that time were educationally deficit. Anybody that had a higher order thought must have been influenced by the devil. The same went for those who did not follow the status quo or did things differently. They must have been talking to the devil. While observing them they noticed they were prosperous and influential. Declaring them witches meant they could kill them at trial and seize their stuff and positions in society. History knows the so called witches were innocent. The people that you refer to as being subject of a witch hunt are not innocent. Call it what it is a "devil" hunt.
The USA is a democracy. Please, have someone read the second link to you. Get a college to make it a class project to help you completely understand that word. Stop making lists of people who are doing what is their right as a citizen of the USA. They don't like you or your actions. If they offend you, clean up your words an actions. They may start to like you.
What you are trying to do, mimics what Vladimir Putin would do. He is a role model for dictators. You are the leader of a democracy. Remember that.
The three following parody's are still very appropriate.
I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging
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