Thursday, January 24, 2019

To the Inglorious Preidential Bully in charge of our country "Are You For Real?"

I was watching abc@worldnews tonight.  Nancy Pelosi just said that President Trump does not understand why furloughed workers have to go to food banks to get food. If your child is hungry, there is no such thing as  pride. Pride at this point is false pride.  A parent obtains food where ever they can. Even hungry adults want to eat. What doesn't this child in a man's body not understand about this? As for the workers asking their parent or parents for money, it just shows how disconnected he is from reality.

Does he have any idea how many of these workers help their parents financially? Does he care? Does he care that mortgage companies are not working with the furloughed people? Utilities that are not getting paid will be turned off soon. Landlords want their rent money and they are as cold and uncaring as our Presidential Bully in charge. Families will be evicted.

The government is saying that these people will get back pay when the government reopens. Hunger and eviction will not wait. The need is now. What about the workers who don't qualify for backpay. The Inglorious Bully that America elected has hurt everyone with his monumental temper tantrums and "piss" fights with Congress.

For the totally clueless person who said the workers should get a loan. The first thing lending institutions ask about is job status. They want to know how they will be repaid. Our government laid the workers off so the Inglorious Chief Bully in charge could get into a "piss" fight with congress. People are disqualified for loans due to working in unstable job.

It is a sad time in American history that working for our government would mean working in an unstable job. America was great before the current Inglorious Presidential Bully was elected. Since he has been in office, not so much.

I watched news feeds and read the following links for information before blogging.

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