Thursday, January 17, 2019

A Doctor gave potentially fatal doses of fentanyl to 27 patients over 5 year time period

At an Ohio hospital , a Doctor gave 27 patients potentially fatal doses of fentanyl over a 5 year period. Fentanyl is about 100 times stronger than morphine. Unfortunately the Dr. took it on himself to give more than what was needed for each patient without consulting patient or family.

One patient died 18 minutes after being given intravenous fentanyl. She was transferred to the hospital from an assisted care facility This patients family had not given permission for this not withstanding the fact that assisted suicide is illegal in Ohio. She had been in assisted care facility.  Her ongoing medical problems required a transfer to ICU

This is a personal sore point with me.  Four 1/2 years ago after a botched surgery, I ended up in an ICU on a ventilator. A Dr. wanted to harvest my organs. He told my son that I was "brain dead" and they were keeping me alive till my organs were harvested. Needless to say when my son finished, I had a complete change of Dr.'s.  They couldn't stop there. There were several attempts to put me in  a long term acute care facility. I left against medical advice.

Within 24 hours of leaving, I went shopping for groceries. I always buy a month at a time. My son said that there was no change in what I got from previous months. That night I balanced my son's checking account. Then I did mine. My son paid bill's from my account and he didn't record the amounts. I had to transfer 32 dollars from savings to cover a shortage from God knows where. Pretty good for a supposed brain dead person.

This has happened to me once before when I became septic from a urinary tract infection. I woke up in ICU watching a nurse trying to operate an IV pump. I asked him did he forget what I taught him. He screamed and fell on his butt. I sat up and turned the pump off because its beeping was giving me a headache. I was leaning over the side rail watching him when other staff came into room. One said you are not in a coma. I replied "no shit". They had to take him to the ER for chest pain because I scared him. Three weeks later, I returned to my supervisory position in ICU. Held that job for two years till I moved.

Being in the medical profession, I know of three patients that were "brain dead" according to their Doctors. They all left the hospital. Other nurses have reported similar patients. It is not as uncommon as people would think.

All life is sacred at no matter what stage it is in.  It is not up to man to decide which "life is unworthy of life".  That is what Hitler did and look what came from that attitude.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

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