Monday, July 14, 2014

Boko Haram Cowards and ISIS

Mental disorders can affect anyone in the word. They are no respecters of race, gender or faith. The problems become apparent when those so affected are in a position of power. They lose their own moral compass. 

Regarding Psychopathy, from World English Dictionary: 

"Also called sociopathy. A person afflicted with a personality disorder characterized by a tendency to commit antisocial and sometimes violent acts and a failure to feel guilt for such acts." 

From American Heritage Medical Dictionary

a mental disorder in which an individual manifests amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc.

Regarding Sociopathy from the same dictionary: 

"A person with an antisocial personality disorder"

Cultural understanding of sociopathy

"Someone whose social behavior is extremely abnormal. Sociopaths are interested only in their personal needs and desires, without concerns for the effects of their behavior on others."

All of the above definitions fit the action of the splinter group Boko Haram. Some of the followers who were manipulated may not fit the disorder, yet. This whole group should go to the following website: There are tests there which are individual and private, and the results will show the disorder and need for treatment. 

There is no shame if the tests shows a disorder that needs treatment. The only disgrace is trying to pretend you are without problems. Shame comes to the person's head who claims their actions please God.

ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) grew out of al-Quaeda in Iraq. It was formed around April 2013. Here's something to consider: al-Quaeda has turned it's back on ISIS for being more cruel and cold hearted. They refuse to follow, also, any directions but their own.  

Someone should tell them that their acronym is the "Egyptian Goddess of fertility, Daughter of Geb and wife of Osiris" 

I find it strange that such an anti-woman organization would choose an acronym that refers to the goddess of fertility. Does ISIS have Vagina Envy? Thailand should be able to accomodate them for Sex-Change operations. 

Boko Haram has caused much sorrow in Nigeria. The name means that Western Education is Sin. The group has no central structure nor chain of command. For 2002 through 2013, Violence in Nigeria has led to 12,000 people dead and 8,000 crippled. I refer you to the beginning of the blog post concerning psychopathy and sociopathy.

Many thing point to ISIS not getting better with their thought processes. In June, 2014, ISIS announced they had established a calpihate and Baghadadi was it's Caliph. He wanted to be called Caliph Ibraham. I watched the dog and pony show on the news. This Imam said one thing that caused me to go do something else, after turning off the TV. He claimed: "Obey me as long as I obey God." I had to wonder what God while doing dishes. Was it a mythical god? The one true God? Demon in hell? Eh. More likely the last.

From my previous posts I mentioned about Boko Haram. Their mindless killings, the amount of girls and boys being kidnapped. Also warned people to lock up their goats, cattle, chicken and livestock as if they stole their boys they would steal livestock. My son made a comment: 

"Mom? In Islam theft is punished with a hand removal, yes?" 
"Why don't the Imams in Nigeria find Boko Haram and remove their hands? They stole the girls and boys and should suffer what their custom dictates since they claim they follow Islam"

I could not find fault with the argument.


This morning the same perverted child in a grown man's body was seen mocking parents begging for the release of their children on TV. Though he is mentally ill, he forgets a few things: Mentally ill doesn't mean you do not know right from wrong. It just means that you actively choose to indulge in horrific, dark, sin. Those who follow Islam, who serve the one true God have a hell where those in it will sup from the fruit of Zaqqum. It doesn't taste like chicken, I presume.

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