Isis, or 'Kisama' and Boko Haraam, or "Schwanzlutscher" have ordered the Christians of Mosul to pay a double heavy tax or leave by a deadline. Those who do not will face 'Death by the Sword'. The Children of Satan's Gas Attack are frightening.
They claim a section of land as a Caliphate, and have appointed it's caliph. This is not how their own laws state it is to be done. I guess when a group has mental disorders as a requirement for joining, it should not be a surprise.
I invite the reader to become aware of the horrors of this group. They murder, kidnap, mutilate people at will. Google Boko Haraam atrocities and take the time to read each link on just one page. Go to and enter Boko Haraam atrocities. Take the time to watch one page of videos. There is even one video showing them destroying the tomb of Jonah, a prophet in the Torah, Bible and the Quaran.
As human,s we have failed to learn from the past. Hitler was allowed to do his evil until he was too strong to stop. Looks like we humans are allowing Isis and Boko Haraam the same path. I was given a phrase in Arabic to end my article, it is what should be done to them: "Elif air ab tizak!"
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