Monday, July 28, 2014

I.S.I.S. - What were you thinking?

Hey I.S.I.S: I understand that you changed your moniker to "Islamic State".

You special snowflakes need to take your heads out of your collective butts. Look around you. The world is aware that you're still killing! I just saw on that you executed 1600 + in Syria. Dear I.S.I.S.: you used your usual terrorist techniques including beheading. Now, though, you're using a twist: death by crucifixion. Pssst!: You get you insult Isa bin Maryam by using the same method of how He died to kill your victims, right? Aren't you supposed to NOT be insulting the Prophets of the Book?

People see you coming and run. Did you change your name for a chance to get more victims? Let me give you some information you may not know. No matter how much perfume is poured on a garbage heap, it's still a garbage heap.

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