Friday, June 26, 2015

Tunesia beachfront hotel attack

Cowards again are responsible for barbaric atrocities. They are unable to accept that Allah /God created people who are different and think different. Any one who doesn't agree with their view on faith practice is subject to be killed. This is a twisted perversion of the teachings of Muhammad.

People were enjoying quiet, vacation time. Twenty - seven people were murdered, One terrorist has been killed. There is a question that another may have been involved and is on the run.

 Somebody asked me how I knew it was a terrorist and not a mentally ill person, since no group has claimed this so far? I replied that its easy. The mentally ill suffer from bad brain chemistry. Terrorist   proclaim their decision to maim, rape animals, rape boys, rape girls, rape teenagers, torture, mutilate, and kill  human beings came from Allah / God.  Again, bad brain chemistry is the cause. Allah / God has not given anyone since Noah a command to destroy his greatest creation. The eighth link below lists the verses in the Quran that forbids terrorism.

Their weak narrow minded thought processes are like the dynamics of a pack of rogue street dogs. If its different, kill it and eat it. Has anyone done a DNA test on any meat in the diet of terrorists to rule out human origin?

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds.

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