Monday, July 18, 2016

Misogny and murder are entrenched in backwards Pakistan

Fouzia Waseem operated a blog in Pakistan under the name of Quandeel Baloch. She no longer does this because her brother,Waseem Azeem,  strangled her to death. To do so without a struggle, he gave her a sedative before sleep. After it took effect, he strangled her. He claimed the murder was an honor killing and he was proud of it. 

"Whoever kills a believer intentionally, their reward will be Hell, to abide therein forever, and the wrath and the curse of Allah are upon them, and a dreadful penalty is prepared for them." (Holy Quran, Chapter 4, Verse 93)

 After he did it, he vanished. the police had to track him down. His brother in the military who talked him into it has vanished. My simple question is "Why did you both run and hide?" If you were proud of it, you should have stayed to tell others of it. His depraved theory was "Girls are born to stay home and follow tradition."

Waseem forgot one thing that believers of all faiths know.  It  was his obligation as a believer of Islam to know what the true Quran says. I not talking about those Quran's pushed by fanatics. The verse I copied and placed after the first paragraph says it all.

Pakistan knows that calling murders "Honor Killings" is a phrase designed to allow lunatics to run wild. There iwas a bill in Pakistan for the protection of women against violence. It was put on hold after about 30 groups of religious fanatics threatened to bring down the government. The Pakistan government caved to woman haters and killers

They claimed this bill was the same as promoting obscenity. My question is how is it obscene to keep a woman from being burned to death or having acid thrown on her.? How is it obscene to keep her from being tortured and beat to death? How is it obscene for a woman to want to live? This shows who is behind all the killings of women. I wonder how many murders they allowed in their families under the title of honor killings?

These are the same loons that said it's OK for a husband to lightly beat his wife. If a husband lightly beats his wife, he should receive the same amount of blows with the force he used on his wife. It's only fair. He should receive the same physical damage. 

Pakistan is going to have to decide who has the final say on murder. The government and the religious fanatics are in a struggle. Killers can be arrested.but in Pakistan, a murder victims family can pardon the killer in honor murders. This often allows the killer to escape punishment. I hope the father of "Quandeel Baloch" stays the course with a strong backbone. He wants the son to pay for murder. Quandeel wanted to live and it was denied. The gov#ernment needs to take charge and stop the religious loons from terrorism on women.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

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