Thursday, July 21, 2016

Trump asks Mike Pence to be his running mate as Vice President

Donald Trump announced who he wanted to be his running mate as Vice President. He chose Mike Pence at the Republican National Convention. I watched the convention as much as I could stand this week end. Intolerance bothers me.

Since I knew very little about the man, I did some online research. I know that Trump's Presidential campaign  had to vet the man. Shame on the person responsible for gathering his information.

I am for old fashioned values. Just not those that denigrate any group and that includes women.. Misogyny is ugly even when hidden beneath pretty explanations.

There are links below where Mr. Pence has stated his views on women working. He feels that kids in daycare settings get stunted emotionally. The woman should stay home and take care of the children. I don't think he realizes that according to links below about 40% of households in the U.S.A. have only the income of the woman coming in. This does not take into account the large number of households where two incomes are needed to "keep the wolf from the door." There are myriad situations where the only income is from the woman.

Mr. Pence does not feel women belong in the military. Somehow, it came him that the Disney movie "Mulan" was propaganda by the liberals to show women can be in the military. Someone needs to tell Mr. Pense that sometimes  "a tree is just a tree and a cartoon movie is just a cartoon movie."

Mr. Pence keeps to the statement that "children are emotionally stunted if they go to daycare because mom works." The third link below is what is important to his partial statement. Please read it. In the conclusion to the paper, it states that the mother working has effects on the family.  BUT, few are negative.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links.

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