Monday, October 3, 2016

Dishonorable killings in Pakistan

The tradition of murder continues in Pakistan. Close family members as well as extended family members continue to murder mostly younger women who think for themselves and follow their heart. It is condoned by the legal system even though it is against the law. If arrested, nothing happens.

Researching honor killing in the Quran is difficult.  My search through use of a computer could find no specific verses that say the practice is justified. I found a large load of links for individuals spouting their beliefs. It came down to how badly an individual hated and feared women as to whether they followed and quoted the Quran or quoted perverted teachings. I wondered what some of them were smoking that spouted perverted teachings. The verses they spouted simply made no connection to these murders. These murderers did match the Urban Dictionaries third definition of coward. They have the genitals of a male. It is just that have no clue as to what being a man is about.

The third and fourth link describe a case that is like too many other killings of this nature in Pakistan. A brother in this case was embarrassed that his sister loved a Christian. It did not matter that the young man loved this woman so much that he converted to Islam. The young man in the third and fourth link killed his sister. This is typical of the wrongly named "honor killings." Somebody that was weak minded allowed demons to use his or her body. The marriage did not allow somebody to make money or advance in society. So they murder the woman in the most foul manner possible.      
Allah / God is not honored by this. The only one getting honor from this is Iblis. He feeds on the screams of victims of atrocities.

The murderers of these women in wrongly named "honor killings" are in for a surprise when they die. The first bite of the fruit of Zaqqum will open their eyes to this, There will be no 72 virgins of either sex for these women haters. They will fill the role of "Bitch boy" for a long line of demons. The verse below makes it clear that a bad fate awaits them.

"Whoever kills a believer intentionally, their reward will be Hell, to abide therein forever, and the wrath and the curse of Allah are upon them, and a dreadful penalty is prepared for them." (Holy Quran, Chapter 4, Verse 93)

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.


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