Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Republicans trying to push through Health care Bill over bodies of the poorest citizens

It is sad that our government did not learn a lesson from history. They are repeating history from World War 2 without the death camps. The elderly, children and pregnant women will have their food taken from them because of the governments decision to use block grants and / or cut the money entirely.

Vice President Pence states that the $200,000,000 in cuts will lets the states uses innovative means and get better control. I wonder if he fell and somehow hit his head. Has someone checked him for altered mental status or other signs of a concussion? I watched him try to answer questions put to him about Trump Crap Care. His eyes seemed to sink back into his head more as he whined an answer that was not an answer.

If $200,000,000 is cut from the all the states, then people suffer. Those who suffer are the poor. That can't be covered up with verbal diarrhea coming from our leaders. Sometimes things are bad and belt tightening is necessary. I say put a STOP on this this for a second.  Before the elderly and children starve-get rid of ALL government perks. Before those whose lives depend on Medicaid to live have to die-put the the ENTIRE government on time cards. They get a salary per year. Pro-rate it. Miss a day of work or a vote should mean less money on the pay check.

The government should tighten its belt and stop its wasteful spending before asking its citizens to die without a fight.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.




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