We know that everyone in the three branches of government are adults physically. After that, is where the questions and doubts arise. Last year our government was called adult day care. It caused loud laughter followed by profound sadness. Because it was most unfortunately close to the truth. when one observed the actions of supposedly grown people.
The supposed grown adults need to learn some of the lessons that I taught my child. They are listed below.
1. Every person will answer for what they do or say in one of three ways.
A. At the time of the incident, they will answer for what is said or done.
B. Later when their life is settled and good, their past actions will come to light.
C. Escaping the first two, they must answer for their past actions in front of God. No escape is
possible from this.
2. Donald Trump chose to run for the highest elected office in the land. Failure to prepare himself
was an option he chose. I remember him bragging about refusing the Presidential orientation. I
wonder how many faux paus and problems could have been avoided.
3. Own your mistakes. Don't place the blame for your actions on others. President Trump did not
prepare himself or accept instructions from others. He brought his family in and made them
just as guilty. This mess is nobodies fault but his.
Russia is not our friend and never has been. Their government is the complete opposite of ours. President Trump can not change our government to suit him. He needs for someone to record the first three links for him so he can listen to them daily. That is easier than reading for some people.
The Russian probe is about his actions, his peoples actions, and his families actions with Russian representatives before and after the election. The rules were there and all chose not to follow them. Ignorance of the rules is no excuse. John and Jane public go to jail for breaking the law even if they did't know their actions broke the law. Our President and his family are not above the law. Look at what the actions of Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton cost them.
The Republicans and the President are doing several things that loudly proclaims their guilt. They rant and get on a "soapbox" about the waste of money and time on the investigation of Russian interference. All of America is supposed to accept their version of events? Please do not take the people in the United States for being intellectually deficit. Only the guilty carry on about the waste of time and money.
Lets take a second to look at the Nunes memo. The items included were cherry picked on purpose.
It is a memo that is "FAKE".
President Trump is releasing it to take the heat off him and put the FBI in a bad light. The last time that I saw actions this petty and trite was in Junior high. Trump and his cohorts should be ashamed. Perhaps that is an action that they are not capable of.
I developed my belief after watching news feeds and reading the following links.
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