I have been watching the TV coverage of the school shooting and reading news articles. The reaction of our President and members of Congress makes a sane person evaluate their past voting for these people who occupy a space in our government. Then suddenly researching when these people are up for their office again. They want the vote of everyone. The voters should send an email similar to the following one.
" I see that you want to elected again. Can you please explain your lack of action on some type of gun control?"
It is not hard. The right to bear arms and join a militia is every Americans right guaranteed in the second amendment. Here is where our government gets all backwards in its approach. The guns referred to are simple. "One shot involves one bullet." That takes care of pistols and long guns that deliver one bullet for pull of the trigger. It does not cover assault weapons or automatic weapons. See the last link. I thought I had knowledge on weapons. Suddenly, I find that I know nothing about these guns.
I have seen what these weapons do to animals for those who claim they hunt with them. A deer went through this process. None of the meat could be salvaged even for dog food. A squirrel and a rabbit had only a few tufts of fur left. These guns have no place in hunting.
Times and technology have changed. Change can not cover everything at once. Start with the following.
All would be owners to file for an application to own a gun
1-----Only guns that deliver one shot per pull of trigger should be covered under amendment 2.
2-----All assault and automatic weapons should fall under a stronger vetting.
3-----Basic physical and mental health exams should required those who fall under category 1. This
would be a baseline. Doctors required to report serious deviations. Poor health and developing mental health issues affect this.
4-----A physical should be done for all those in category 2 every five years.
5-----A mental health exam performed every 3 years.
A board needs to be established to collect all this information and file it. Failure to submit the required information would lead to gun loss. The gun or guns to be destroyed. If the owner gets the required information then he can reapply and go through the procedure again.
It is not hard to get a simple plan for a start. What is hard, is to get those in charge to think beyond themselves.
I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before deciding on my blog content.
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