Thursday, March 7, 2019

Pakistan has no honor since silence over murders remains the norm

Afzal Kohistani was a true man  not like the village elders in the remote mountainous region of Pakistan or the cowards who murdered him. In 2012, five girls attended a wedding and someone took a video of them singing and clapping to the music. A gang of rogue street dogs murdered the young girls as well as  several young men who were seen on the video dancing. This atrocity were done on the orders of a village council headed by a Muslim cleric. This was done in defiance of the Quran. See the verse below. Four of the murderers were arrested but the chances of them receiving justice for their crimes with the track record of Pakistan on crimes against women and honor killings are almost zero.

These young people were judged for expressing joy. The adults who did so were in service to Iblis. Hoping to avoid Iblis calling them home to continue service to him in person, they tortured and murdered these children hoping to avoid their fate. They may have sent their screams to Iblis but their souls went to Allah / God.

The Urban dictionary gives a perfect definitions for gangs.  It refers to them as "The little league of Organized Crime."  For these cowards that claim they are men, it has the perfect definition that fits their actions. It's true that they have the genitals of a man. They just don't have the understanding of what being a man is all about. Go to the Urban dictionary links below.

"Whoever kills a believer intentionally, their reward will be Hell, to abide therein forever, and the wrath and the curse of Allah are upon them, and a dreadful penalty is prepared for them." (Holy Quran, Chapter 4, Verse 93)

Afzal Kohistani, a good man, stood up with his head raised and spoke  for the murdered since no one else would. He did what was right knowing the cowards would murder him also. The police would not listen. He asked for protection and they ignored him. No one in the Pakistan legal system would listen, He was shot down on the streets of Abbtobad, Pakistan.

The most disgusting action to me as a parent is what some of the parents did. The victims were tortured before they were murdered. The families produced other underage girls to pretend they were the daughters in question. Video comparisons were made to prove they were not. In one case, fingerprint comparisons could not be made. The substituted girl had her fingerprints burned off in a "cooking accident."

Truth is unchanging. It is the same from the beginning of time. It will be the same at the end of time. At no time has Allah / God asked anyone to murder for him. That is the work of demons in human skin.  Man does not need an intermediary to know the word of Allah / God.  Doing what a false leader of a faith practice tells you will still land a person in hell. There will be no 72 virgins  of any sex for any murderer or false leader. They will likely  spend eternity as a sex toy for demons. Their view of their hellish paradise comes after their first bite of the fruit of Zaqqum.

I watched news feeds and read and reread the following links for information before blogging.“honor-killings”-his-worst-fear-just-came-true/ar-BBUvuE2?ocid=spartanntp

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