As adults in our 30's to our 60's , we know it took help from the "whole village" for us to reach adulthood and beyond. Keeping that in mind, why are we failing our children? A child can not raise his or her self. Reaching the age of 18 does not mean they are mature Ask questions and butt in even if they don't like it. Remember that you are their parent and not their friend.
Single parenthood is no excuse to snooze. My child was home schooled educated and is a college graduate. There were no issues with drugs, alcohol, wild parties or babies. Consequence of personal actions was taught. In other words, actions go beyond the moment. It is important to know the possible future consequence of decisions made.
People want to belong to something. They need to be connected and know someone cares. It is most unfortunate that groups like the human virus Isis (Daesh / Daw'aish) know and exploit this. They (recruits) were not taught the saying "Trash in and get Trash out." The plain truth is that Isis (Daesh /Daw'aish) lies.
The first five links deal with recruits learning this harsh fact. Click on each and read. Being a serial killer is hard on a person's psyche. Being a sex slave is not what most women want. Leaving this group is a death sentence. This could have been avoided if they took time to research the group.
Islam is not what Daesh / Daw'aish try to brainwash its recruits into believing. The eighth link is directly from the Islamic Supreme council. Please click on it and read what they have to say about misunderstood concepts. The thirteenth link tells simply why Islam forbids terrorism. Please click on it and read. The other links contain valuable information that recruits are lied to about. A sick person abuses animals. The last two links are gross videos showing what happens to animals. Don't watch if you are easily upset. Do not let children watch.
Recruits are force fed some big lies. Murder is never fine with Allah / God. No where is this condoned or asked for in the Quran. Rape is a sin. Destruction for the fun of it is a sin. Suicide is always a sin.
Hell is a real place in the Islamic faith. Jahannam is the name of Islamic hell. See the link below and click on it. There will be no 72 virgins. A Daesh / Daw'aish recruits vision of paradise comes after their first taste of the fruit of zaaqum. It is a vision of hell filled with unrelenting pain.
I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.
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