After a trip to the wash and dry clothes and to the grocery store store, I was disgusted. If I heard one more time a questionable human parent say the following, I would scream. It was pronounced like file except instead of a f sound a ch sound was used. This child was destructive and yelling at people at the top of his lungs. He was kicking people and trash cans over. Her reply was sad but classic.
"He don't know what he doing he just a 'chile.' "
I googled the word when I got home. It referenced the country of Chile. Also it referenced a cooked meat dish with hot spices in a tomato base. Just to be sure, I checked the Urban Dictionary for the same word. The same references were given in different words for the country and food dish. There were a few definitions of a "chile" and its human parentage.
That is part of the problem. Some people are not understanding some basic information. The results of your sexual activity did not create a country. There was no edible meat dish created.
A human infant was created. An awe inspiring gift was placed in your hands by God or the Universe depending on belief. Its mind is to be filled with positive knowledge and love. Discipline is necessary until this person reaches a legal age to do so without supervision. A valuable and productive member of society is then created. Your child could be the next Mahatma Gandhi. A cure for cancer or the solution for world peace could be in their grasp. The child can not dream big. for them self. That is the job for the parent.
What I heard from a group of older men and women summed it all up. It was sad but most likely true.
"There goes the next generation of thug. A future prison butt bitch wanna be."
I observed the mother smirking and telling her friend "Look at him teaching them what up." She enjoyed the situation until confronted by the victims of her child's actions. She was warned the next time her child kicked them, they would kick her. Before it got out of hand, I told them the cops were on the way. everybody asked why. I informed the educational deficit woman that lack of parental control was child abuse by our states standards.
The police processed what happened. All of us gave a statement. When I left, Child Protective Services was talking to her in the parking lot. I heard her crying and stating "I did not know." Maybe its true and education will correct the serious problem.
Below are some links to help. Please click on them to read.
Every parent wants their child to have more and do more than they did. I gave my child age appropriate privileges till age ten. That was when I felt my child could truly understand what a privilege was and the consequence of abuse of privilege. At that age, my child was told age appropriate privileges would be given yearly. If different ones were wanted, I must be asked for them. If there was a problem, the asked for privilege was placed on hold till the next birthday. This was not being done as a punishment. It was done to allow for growth in maturity. That way I did not give privileges my child was too young for.
There are some children with diagnosed behavior problems. These could be from numerous reasons. This blog is not about them. Their Dr. and psychologist have the child's care in hand. The parents follow their instructions. May God bless them because their family life is tuff enough.Don't judge tem. Pray for them and keep them in your positive thoughts.
I read the information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.
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