The Urban Dictionary gives the perfect definition of a coward in its third definition. Men capable of throwing acid in the faces of schoolgirls have a penis and testicles but no clue as to what being a man is about. To hurt these girls so badly makes no sense to any sane person.
Education helps the mind to grow. If something happens to the husband or he is hurt, they are able to help and keep the family together. They can manage the household better if the husband is away with the Taliban or other terror organisations.
These small minded mentally ill disease ridden street dogs need to be removed. Some people from a discussion group say they did this due to their extremely small and / or deformed genitals. An educated female would know they would never be given children. Also their only action on their marriage bed would be snoring and farting from the man.
Others gave credence to foul smelling ambiance of a bad tempered street dog. Street dogs are not friends with Captain Hygiene. Their temper is so bad and unfounded that their own mothers disavow knowledge of them. An educated female would hide from them.
Education means a female has her eyes open. They know what Islam allows and not the cherry picked lies ignorant rogue street dogs try to stuff down their throats. Terrorism of any kind is forbidden by Islam. See the ninth link below and click on it.
My preference for a reason for this action is whom they chose to worship. They worship Iblis by performing this sacrifice. Allah / God does not require torture, maiming, butchering, or killing in the name of heaven. Iblis is the only one pleased by this. All they have done is create martyrs for Allah / God. When these men die, they will receive no 72 virginal men or women. The first view of their hellish paradise will happen after their taste of the fruit of zaqqum.
The very sad thing about this is, it is a habit for angry men who hate women. See the wikipedia link on acid throwing below. When I was researching this after watching news feeds. I had to sift through a lot to find this current incident. If the men doing this hate women so badly, they need to switch their sexual preference to men.
Pray for these girls and their families. If you do not pray keep them in your positive thoughts.
I read information from the following links and watched newsfeed before blogging.
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