Sunday, May 29, 2016

Donald Trump and "Hodor"

I live in America and I am damn proud of it!  It doesn't have to be made great again because it never left the path that made it great. There are problems but there are methods with checks and balances to fix them.

The political system needed a change. The good old boy system was making everyone want to vomit. So Americans are voting for new people for this reason. These new people need to remember they represent everyone in this country. Unfortunately all candidates need to be told daily to fixate on this and not give lip service.

Everyone in this country has a voice. They have a protected right to voice what they feel.  Violence against those who feel different is a crime. Attempting to suppress other opinions is a crime. So protesters, stop how you are going about voicing your opinions. Your methods are only helping Donald Trump prove he is right. There are so many legal ways to get your point across so people will listen. Get together and brainstorm. Then take your best legal plan and put it into action.

While writing this, I am listening to some people talk about the TV show called "Game of Thrones."
Much sadness was being expressed over the TV death of a beloved  "special" man.  I thought there was no need for sadness,  " Hodor Lives."

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

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