I do not have much money as I am on a fixed income. So, I have learned to eat healthy at fast food places. When I am almost broke, I will get a hamburger without condiments for a dollar and pay .50 cents in addition for extra lettuce, tomato, and onion. Since, I do not like bread, I dispose of the bread. (Usually the homeless who see me.) I then shred the meat on top of salad fixings. Since I do not use dressing, I have a healthier meal. I use the burger wrapping as a plate. My purse always has a plastic spoon or fork. I have carried a set since my son was a toddler. There is a way for healthier meals in all fast food places.
Some friends were talking about a group called Physician Committee for Responsible Medicine. They are lobbying hospital to get rid of fast food places on their grounds. All I could think of was why? Are they trying to put a costly eating establishment in their place? I have seen more people than I can count eating the way I do, We are actively choosing healthier options.
I looked up Physicians Committee for responsible medicine on the internet. Fortunately, I am old enough to know a snow job when I read it. "It was not a good snow job." Then I added complaints about in front. A whole new page come up. It seems that this group has about 90% non-Dr.'s. There is some question about the remaining 10% being Dr.'s according to a link .
Mainly this group is a fanatical group of zealot vegans that think no one should eat meat. Good or bad, I make decisions for myself.
I read information from the following links before blogging.
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