The Urban Dictionary has numerous definitions for coward. A rapist is a coward. What I consider to be the absolute best is the third definition. See the first link below. It states that a coward is a human being who has male reproductive organs but is clueless as to what being a man is all about.
A 16 year old girl went to visit her boyfriend. She woke up naked, confused and disoriented in a different place full of armed men. Her clothes were missing, so she had to find some clothes to put on. At that point, she went home with no memory of what happened.
It was not until days later that the truth of what happened came out. A short 38 second video was posted on twitter by a 18 and 20 year old. It showed an unconscious female with one man touching her. Another man taking a selfie with his face near her genitals. Other men are laughing and talking about the fact 30 men had her sexually. I did not use the gross language they did. Twitter removed the video.
These cowards may have know that 14 is the age of consent in Brazil. They are so depraved that they could not extrapolate one glaring fact. The 16 year old was unconscious. A person has to be awake, alert, and in their right mind to give consent.
I do give Brazil credit for one thing. The lead investigator had an obvious bias against the victim. Victim blaming is very common here. He was replaced. The unit for Crimes against Minors and the States Department of Social Serves now have the case. This unit should have had the case to start with.
There is a pervasive rape culture in Brazil. What is worrisome is the fact that the age of consent for a male or female is 14. At that age, some are starting puberty, while some are already in puberty. They are physically mature and understand consequences of a lot of actions. They do not have the skills to not engage in activity that is hormone driven. Raise the age limit for consent to allow for more maturity and perhaps decrease the high number of rapes and violence in this country.
I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.
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