Friday, April 14, 2017

Female genital mutilation in the United States is a serious felony

Multiple young girls ( 6 -8 year old's) have been driven to Michigan by their parents. They were there for female genital mutilation. It is the practice of removing some or all of the females external genitals. It is meant to make sex painful and prevent promiscuity. The female is no longer capable of feeling anything sexual. In some procedures, the vaginal opening is made so small that the girl has to be cut before she has sex. then she must be cut again before she can deliver  a baby .The Dr. Jumana Nargawala has been doing this for the last  12 years. She forgot that she is a Dr. and a woman. She inflicted pain and mutilation on trusting young girls.

The use of the Quran to justify this is factually wrong. Boys are circumcised as part of a covenant with God. That procedure does prevent the male from using his penis or inflict life long change.   Islamic law does not mandate female genital mutilation. It permits removal of a very tiny piece of skin from the female prepuce provided no harm is done. The woman will enjoy sex with her husband better and make it desirable for her husband.

What has gone wrong? Tradition rooted deep in culture only have become interlaced with Islamic requirements. Mohammad was against this atrocity committed on women. I have only my idea. Men who have deep rooted desires to have a vagina attempt to destroy what they can never have.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.


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