Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Republicans will take Obama care from all except themselves,families,and staff

Republicans are set to get Obama care stripped from Americans. They are cruel and have no heart. Each member of congress gets Congressional perks that most Americans can not afford. They now have set into play an action to add to it. Obama care will be stripped from most Americans if President Trump and his acolytes get their way. Obama care stays for members, their family, and all staff with their families. "Americans and their families will be left by the side of the road. Why? President Trump and his acolytes do not care for any one but themselves.  Voters are only necessary every four years."  Trump care is immoral because it makes people suffer. Congress and their families plus staff do not suffer. They will keep Obama care. Please read the links below especially the first link. Read the last link about Congressional perks. I could have filled three pages on links of this kind. I picked one. Google congressional perks and choose. If this is too old, do what I did. Google again for 2016 and 2017 results. If it makes you mad, tell Trump and other Republican acolytes about it.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

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