I remember when President Trump was running for office. On 11/19/16, I wrote a blog about about a nightmare that I had. In it, I talked about seeing a briefing room with a podium in front of the Presidential seal. A voice saying, "President Trump" as he stood in front of the seal. ( see my blog for the exact words) I woke up in a cold sweat with heavy chest pressure. It took about a hour for the nausea and vomiting to stop.
Now that he is President it's a whole other ball game. If I was an animal, I would be on the critically endangered species list. Because I am not an animal, I don't count / matter to the government.
I took care of my self and child. Welfare was not an option. I was a member of a national volunteer organization that helped victims of disaster. When the news media and others took photo shots at a tornado disaster, I noticed a woman crying in what was left of her home. I held her while she cried. After about 20 minutes, I helped her with what I could. Then I plugged her into local resources. I did this freely with no pay. It was the right thing to do.
On various disasters, I helped when I could have looked the other way. One of the last disasters that I helped on was the Oklahoma City Bombing. I still have the memory of the Blue Angels flying over in the missing man formation on the one year anniversary.
I am not writing this for a pat on the back. It's not about that. I wasn't old and I mattered. Now that I am old (60). The government thinks that I don't matter. I had a savings account and land. My child at birth was ill. I sold everything to cover expenses. They are now going to take away what little I have earned. I am disabled an currently recovering from a broken back slowly. Now, I am taking online classes on how to live off the land. Giving myself a headache try to figure out to save 5,000 dollars. I have been researching on where to buy cheap 1/2 acre plots with road access. Need a place to go when they take what little that I have. Elderly good looks won't pay the rent. No money equals no place to stay.
I would tell all those trying to exterminate those of us on the lower economic ladder to think. At one time, I was upper middle class. Life changes. I hope you never feel the anger of knowing your country wants you to die for its economic benefit.
President Trump was on the news about his new tax cuts. Sounds wonderful but there is a big problem. There will be an increase in the budget so high that it will give people chest that are healthy. President Trump knew about this. On 3/16/17, I blogged about President Trumps cruel Budget Plans. Then on 3/18/17, I blogged about Budget Director Mick Mulvaney. His pan reminded me of Hitler's "Life Unworthy of Life" campaign. On 4/25/17, I blogged about Senator Paul Ryan's plan to phase out Medicare.
It dawned on me slowly. President Trump has planned this for awhile. Americans have been fooled by his deceptions. Women, infants, children, elderly and disabled will cover his tax cuts. Throw the poor in on top of this. When we don't exist because his programs set up our demise, the rich will have more money to play with.
I refuse to die without at least "Squawking Loudly."
I watched news feeds and read information from the following links.
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