President Donald Trump has done what my parents called "Cutting off one's nose to spite one's face." He has been caught with his own words. The following has been taken from the first link below of "Newsweek." It is eye opening. President Trump claims his business acumen gives him the experience he needs to be President.
He is also pretty good at self-deception, and plain old deception. Trump is willing to claim success even when it is not there, according to his own statements. “I’m just telling you, you wouldn’t say that you're failing,” he said in a 2007 deposition when asked to explain why he would give an upbeat assessment of his business even if it was in trouble. “If somebody said, ‘How you doing?’ you're going to say you're doing good.” Perhaps such dissembling is fine in polite cocktail party conversation, but in the business world it’s called lying.
President Trump plays childish games. The "You are not the boss of me" has turned into "I am the President, you're not." He should read the third and fourth link about what a Presidents job really is.
President Trump made a statement that past President Obama spied on him at Trump Towers.. The FBI denies this. There is no proof. When asked,Trump could provide no proof. So what has he done? Taken away internet privacy rights of US citizens. The government can take a stroll through your browsing history when it pleases. People coming into this country must submit their phone, tablet, laptop and other internet devices for them to scroll through.
One game of "I am going to take my toys and go home" has turned costly. His wife and son has stayed in New York till his son finishes school. President Trump refuses to go to Camp David. He uses his Mar-a-Lago estate as his summer/winter White House. Each city is out more money than can be imagined. Trump expects each city to cover the cost of his lavish lifestyle. Money is being cut from programs to expand the military. Trump cuts programs to feed children,elderly and disabled. It follows too close to Hitler's program of "life unworthy of life.
I do not understand this. He claims that he wants to make America great again. How by tearing it down? America has always been great! When children, elderly and disabled are denied the chance of one meal a day, that is sick and serves Hell's purpose. As followers of Christ, we are not supposed to serve Satan. Read my blog from 3/18/17. There are numerous links there regarding the budget. In it, the budget direct go over parts of it that seem to serve Satan. President Trump and Mick Mulvaney came up with these horrific changes.
Bad children tear up their toys when they are mad at their playmates. They don't want anybody to play with their things. President Trump has decided that climate change is "Fake." He has frozen the Environmental Protection Agency from doing anything to protect the environment. When our country is severely polluted then will he be at peace?
I would like to address two things before I get off my soap box. One is alternative facts or truths. Overheard some grade school kids talking about this statement. One was using it to cover wrong doing with his parents. The others asked if it worked. He replied no. His dad asked him "Why he chose to lie?" That phrase is nothing but fancy words for a lie.
The second thing that I want to bring up is " fake news." Mr. President how stupid do you think the American Public is. Every time that you call news media fake, the Internet quickly proves you wrong. There has been two instances that I found reporters questionably "spinning" the news. You would not have looked like a petulant child if you would have done one thing. Have your people put the facts down correctly and call the the head of the news media in question to the White House. As long as no "alternative facts or truths" were listed ask him for a retraction.
When a truth is told, do not call it fake. You advance the cause of the news media. Guess who looks like a petulant child? Own the things you did wrong. State that since that did not work you will find another avenue of approach.
I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.
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