Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Heey Wal-Mart!

All blue links are hyperlinks to news stories. I should not have to do this but I do not want Wal-Mart to assume that I made these rumors up and attempt to sue a disabled woman for fun.

Good Morning, Wal-Mart!

I saw the news report this morning where you are stating the injuries Tracy Morgan suffered was his fault. To politely sum it up, you guys stated: 

 ...the injuries were "caused, in whole or in part, by plaintiffs' failure to properly wear an appropriate available seat belt restraint device." The company said by not using seat belts, the plaintiffs "acted unreasonably and in disregard of plaintiffs' own best interests."

Using that train of thought, the one person who had died only thought he was dead and Tracy Morgan's injuries were only in his head and his doctors were mistaken. 

Riight. Do you challenged individuals not get how insulting those words were? I also just loved how you skipped past the fact that Tracy Morgan filed a lawsuit against Kevin Roper, the driver who pled not guilty in this crash, because he was up twenty four standard hours without sleep. Even if you claim you did not force him to do so, as his employer, he was performing work you required, which made you legally responsible for his actions. 

I wonder why. Could it be because of the craptastic hours you force your employees to have? Your track record with employees is not the best, including reports of favoritism and sexism. One of my son's good friends is at the point she is in tears nightly when she works because of the yelling and blaming, including two attempted suicides. It's bad enough the Federal Government is taking a look at you for threatening and intimidating employees who speak out.

Hey guys. Just so your lawyers don't have a heart attack, my statement of your track record comes from: 


and the report of the Federal Government investigating you comes from: 


So besides the fact you forced this guy to work the hours, which caused the wreck, you victim blamed Tracy Morgan. Let me break it down for you. Victim blaming is when the victim of a crime or any wrongful act is held entirely or partially responsible for the harm that befell them.

What do I mean? 

Let's see: 

Do you blame someone who is a victim in a hit and run for being there when the drunk driver ran the stop sign?

Do you blame the person paralyzed when they were a victim in a robbery for getting food? 

Do you blame a rape victim who was beaten, almost killed, for walking to her home at night?


Then why are you blaming Tracy Morgan for the fault of your driver? 

Grow up! Shaming him makes you look guilty. Stop trying to try this case in the court of public opinion.

If you were smaller I would recommend your mommies to spank each of you. 

It might make you better humans.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Election time

Yes, it's election time.

The time of year where our senses will be assaulted with the antics of the great lie-a-thon. People have forgotten at the Local, State and Federal level that the purpose of public office is to be of service to the people, not to oneself.

Overheard a group of teenagers recently say something. As they were deciding their careers, a boy brought up that he wanted to run for office. Others, in this mixed crowd, made comparisons as to which office required the least amount of work, had the most perks and the highest pay. They determined, at this young age, they could lie better than the adults. I tried to say it was 'Civil Service' and they should be serving the people. Of course, I was ignored.

This got me to figure out the best way to nip this in the bud. Everyone running for office should be required to meet the following steps. This is from the civil office to the President:

  • All candidates must have a written platform. Before the campaign they must pass a lie detector test that proves the truth of what they stand for.

  • All TV, Radio, Printed Material and debates must have their contents verified as complete truth. A use of unproven material will have that person removed from the ballot.

  • Nobody is perfect. Everyone running for office is to be vetted that they meet required guidelines. This includes a background check. Use of a person's past means that the one who brought it up is scrubbed from the ballot.

  • If it's proven a person made it through on lies, the consequences are immediate. Within a day they're stripped from office and their opponent assumes control.

Look: The politicians are proving time and again they cannot police themselves. These rules are only a start. Something has to be done though as the election year lie-a-thons are getting old.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Airstrike in Syria against I.S.I.S.

I.S.I.S..are you aware that you are like a lonely child acting up due to a lack of parental supervision? Al-Quaeda and the Taliban put you guys out of the house because you did not play by the rules. Instead of growing up, evaluating how and why you guys screwed up, you instead sold your soul to the biggest, baddest thing on the planet: Iblis/Satan. Spilling innocent blood: adult, child, and infant, stains the soul. Isn't it black enough? Butchering humans like cattle at slaughter-houses proved that you committed your course to follow Iblis to Jahenna/Hell.

Googling you on the Internet, I am sickened. Tell me which one of your two grey cells died to where you can think it's normal to play kickball with human heads? Believe me when I say it's haran and even what the kaffir/unclean ones do not do so to their dead, friend or foe! When you idiots decapitated the daughter in front of her father, and the picture of the father holding his beheaded daughter brought tears to my own eyes, much more to those known for their 'hearts of stone'. Cruel Bastards. A diseased dog has more honor.

Today you got some of the attention your actions were begging for. The U.S. and five Arab Partners have dropped tokens of our thoughts about you and on top of your heads. What's next you ask? Things that go bump in the night might be real. All the tiny hairs raising on your body could be for a reason. Don't be scared. The person coming a-knocking is there for a reason and he wants to "discuss matters of the soul with you." Let him in, in the name of your god, eh?

Friday, September 19, 2014

Taliban Suicide Bombers

Was watching TV about the Taliban suicide bombings. Since then, I've been doing research in the Quran to see where this misguided notion to kill oneself and others comes from. I agree with some that these bombers are intellectually challenged and easily drawn toward evil. (Note. All blue links require you to click on them)

Read a Quranic verse about mass killings...

Man has been attempting to step into functions he does not belong. One such function is trying to make choices that only God is allowed to do.

Regarding overstepping boundaries...

Every person's life has a purpose. To end one's life because times are bad or you cannot get someone to listen is wrong. It's a slap to the face of God.

Read a Quranic verse against sucide...

..what the people who kill themselves by suicide don't know is that when they die and go to Jahennah, they repeat how they die over and over until the end of existence.

I understand clearly that martyrdom in battle is the goal for a lot of Muslim Warriors. Warriors do not drive a car into a building and kill innocents, however. That's what a coward does. Slaughter innocent men, women, children? A mentally defective coward or a minion of Iblis does this, not a warrior. Warriors use words to get people to listen. God shines from the inside of that person as his words and works bring people to want what he has. Today's Taliban? They make people run like their ass is on fire. Iblis is the one who looks out of the eyes of the Taliban warriors, not God.

Let's be clear here. A suicide bomber is not a warrior. The person who instructed them this way will be in hell alongside the suicide bombers. Very likely they will be sharing a fruit from the Zaqqum tree. Suicide bombers are cowards. Urban dictionary of cowards, the third definition fits them nicely:

A human being that physically has male reproductive organs but doesn't know the first thing about being a man.

If you want to read more:

1) Another view on how to deal with nonbelievers - less violent view

2) Some Islamic scholars and their answer as to why Suicide Bombing is against Islam

3) Full Urban Dictionary for Coward

Charles Smith - Shooting in Savannah, GA

Something about this story does not make sense. I've never heard of a cop not patting a person down after they were put in handcuffs. Nor, if he was cuffed, and he was accused of kicking out a window to get his hands to the front, how his gun was under his body.

Charles Smith, the person who was shot, was picked up on issued warrants. Before opinions are expressed and anger gets people in trouble, wait. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is handling the investigation. Before we respond, let us see the results.

Some links:

1) AJC story about the shooting

2) CNN - also based in Atlanta, and their report.

3) NBC News Affliate's report

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I.S.I.S. Threatened the U.S.A. today

I.S.I.S., I noted today when I Googled I.S.I.S. that you are still offering blood sacrifices to Iblis. Like a severely mentally affected person playing with his poop, you butcher others for your play-dough. The demons of Iblis are fighting each other like terriers on a rat to see who gets first dibs on which ones Iblis cannot cram in his larder.

It seems, I.S.I.S., that you have a propaganda section. Have you heard of the Urban Dictionary? The third definition of propaganda seems to fit the section in charge of spreading your propaganda :

"Lies and fabricated information designed to sway the opinions of people in a desired direction. Specifically designed for the dumb, poorly educated majority of the target population" 

In this life, I.S.I.S., you get what you pay for. The world knows that the weak minded and the underage weak minded are being lured to your side. Your demon fighters sate their lust on those in brothels. Others are married off to become baby factories. Perhaps, I.S.I.S., it's time to consider this: The members of I.S.I.S. became minions of hell when they committed the unpardonable sin. Your minions of low intellect are marrying the weak minded. (Your mental capacity has to be low in order to serve Iblis.) Just how shallow is your gene pool? It won't take too long to dry out!

Today you threatened our fighting forces. Just read where you encouraged the mentally challenged to attack Times Square. Yes, we Americans fight among ourselves sometimes, like poorly raised children. We protect our home though. Osama bin Laden ignored this and organized an attack on our 'Home Stone' as players of a massive multi-player online game would say. Took us time but we found him, hiding among women. Only God can judge man or woman. We  gave Osama bin Laden a face to be face meeting with God for judgement.

A lot of people have been trying to find out and understand why any man would turn his back on God to embrace and use all evil known and unknown to man. It was brought to my attention by some that jelqing started in your part of the world. Any idiot with knowledge of basic anatomy would know that was dangerous! I.S.I.S., did you get mad at God coz you broke your dicks? This caused you to commit the unpardonable sin? God didn't tell you to do that though! The practice of jelqing was invented by man and you chose to follow man. This caused you to be the ones  on the road to hell with broke dicks.

Read for more information!

1) MSNBC's commentary about the I.S.I.S. threat

2) Why is I.S.I.S. doing cash for babies?

3) I.S.I.S. urging followers to attack Times Square

4) Urban Dictionary and propaganda

5) Why you should never jelq

6) Cosmo warning women against jelqing

Saturday, September 13, 2014

I.S.I.S. beheads British Aid Worker

British Aid worker David Haines was kidnapped in 2013. Today, the British Demon minion who slaughtered two American captives added him to his list of tributes to Iblis. These three men were tied and decapitated by the masked Brit Hell spawn. He hides behind his mask to avoid consequences of his actions when captured, or so he thinks.

Too late, dumbass!

Sciences has allowed the authorities to pull back the mask. Should have stuck to your music career!

All members of I.S.I.S. have committed the unpardonable sin. They knew of God's love, blessings and mercies, and have turned their back on Him to brutalize, torture and kill children and adults. This is their tribute to their new master, Iblis.

They wanted attention from the world. Like most sociopaths and psychopaths, they will discover one thing: Wanting something so bad that you maim, mutilate, torture and kill for it is just the first step. The second step on the road to hell is getting what you want and deserve.

Please read for further understanding. Click the links.

1) CNN's report on the execution. 

2) England's report on this from Mirror.co.uk.

3) Another update from the same site

Malala Yousafzai

On September 12th, 2014, 10 Taliban men who tried to kill Malala by shooting her in the head were captured. Her crime? Advocating women get education in Pakistan.  The followers of Satan/Iblis do not want their women to get any education. It is well known that with education comes the desire to follow the laws of God and men. These hellspawn do not want educated women, because they cannot be led into the service of Iblis if they are educated. Said hellspawn meet the third definition of coward from the Urban dictionary:

"A human being that physically has male reproductive organs but doesn't know the first thing about being a man" 

These ten cowards are part of the Taliban, which is a terrorist organization. Again, the Urban Dictionary term for terrorist gives the perfect definition of Taliban Cowards:

"A person engaging in planning and execution of heinous acts, intended to kill innocent people and scare everyone else."

For additional reading material, please click on the following links:

1) Time's story on Malala

2) CNN's story about the attack and arrest

3) The Guardian, a London news source, and their report on the matter.

Friday, September 12, 2014

March 1, 2013 new rules for taser use

After seeing all the news stories on taser related deaths, I had to post this after a little online research.

Go to:


Click on PDF Law Enforcement Warnings.

Read them and they'll open your eyes. How many taser related deaths and injuries could have been prevented if the rules were followed?

For your reading consideration. Click on the links:

1) Taser related deaths in 2009.

2) Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Georgia - Taser related - NY Times Article

3) Article in East Point,Ga. where this went down.

4) Even Amnesty International is raising concerns

5) U.S.A. Today had a study in 2012 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

I.S.I.S., not I.S.I.L:

This group will always be I.S.I.S. in the minds of most people. Their original acronym suits them. Violent hatred, abuse, torture and barbaric murder of women indicates part of their problem. That much animosity only occurs when you are jealous of something. They have vagina envy, as I have stated before.

A friend of mine from long ago bred very large dogs. They used to guard castles in medieval times. The family dog was sweet and scared of everything. This dog's pedigree name was made shorter so the child could pronounce it. That name was Isil. I will always remember him running towards us with a high pitched squalling bark, wearing the traditional spiked collar. A butterfly had landed on his back and would not get off.

I.S.I.S. doesn't deserve the name of Isil.

I.S.I.S.: You get what you asked for!

I.S.I.S., there is an old saying that you should have been taught when you were young snots.

"If you can't run with the big dogs, don't get off the porch!" 

Running roughshod over weaker people gave you a sense of false bravado. It was easy to torture, mutilate, and kill prisoners in whatever barbaric method Iblis tells you to do so. Most likely, you invented a few to show your desire to please Iblis.

You've gotten the attention you want. Russia is looking at you closely. President Obama said it best:

"If you threaten America, there will be no safe haven!"

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I.S.I.S., the topic of conversation

You'll be happy to know you were the topic of conversation.

Some kids outside were talking, some younger and some older.

The older ones were asking them what they were talking about.

One of the young teens said: "Oh just the Choad Chompers in the Middle East who killed the journalist."

Another older teen asked what a choad chomper was.

The boy replied:

" A man or a woman who enjoys sucking a man's penis, that is as long as it's wide."

I looked up what it was on the Urban Dictionary. The boy was accurate. You guys do seem to enjoy that activity.

Warmed my heart this young man aptly describing you guys.

So . . hey Choad Chompers!

I'll speak of your activities later. Be sure you remember to breath before going down on that snack!

The Point them out, Knock them out game

I watched a horrible replay of a cell phone video on ABC News. A group of around 100 teens went on a rampage in a Kroger parking lot in Memphis, Tennessee. A 25 year old customer was knocked to the ground and stomped unconscious. The 17 and 18 year old store employees who came to the rescue were also stomped unconscious. Then, in a barbaric act, they picked up the pumpkins outside and threw them at the heads of unconscious victims. According to the store manager: each pumpkin weighted in excess of 20 lbs!

Some videos for you to see:

1) Sky.com, a UK News Service, reviewed this story.

2) Atlantic City, New Jersey's take on the story.

3) Huffington Post's commentary

4) A danger of the knockout game: backfired on the attacker.

5) Arrests in the grocery store assault.

6) Trying juveniles as an adult.

Please look closely at the second hyperlink above as it is the most appalling to me. All the links have the same videos but this one is the most clearest. Examining the face of those who attacked, you can see the joyous smile on some of the faces. The young teen in the lime green t-shirt seen stomping one man's head repeatedly has been arrested, as per the fifth hyperlink. The same hyperlink later stated that almost a dozen teens have been arrested, all between the ages of 14 to 19. People are pushing to arrest the parents of these teens, an action I support completely!

These parents poorly prepared their teens. Going to the sixth hyperlink, you can see that a fourteen year old can be arrested as an adult in Tennessee. If convicted, he will always be tried as an adult in the future.

If you're going to argue that they are children, then it doesn't hold water. What these teens did could have killed those three people. Their concussions will be cause for concern for the rest of their lives. The brain damage from this incident will not likely be apparent till late in life. This doesn't take into account the psychological damage of being attacked by 100 + teenagers in a large grocery store parking lot . If some are truly "children", the parents need to be charged in a court of law. These children should always be under adult supervision because they are easily swayed by peer pressure. If they left without telling their parents, the police should have been called to look for them.The teenagers and parents of these 14 and over should heed the warning in the 4th hyperlink. A teen fell in with a group of other teens. The father of a six year old was with the child at a bus stop. They (The teens) in a van circled him like a pack of rabid dogs. When they jumped out of the van, one shoved an object hard into his side. He had no idea of their intent.  Later, it was found to be a stun gun that didn't fire. This father was a licensed gun owner. In fear for his child's life, and his own, he shot the teen twice. Long story short, the teen recovered and is in prison for a year. A hard price to pay for a game.

Parents need to educate their children and teens on the responsibilities as well as the freedom of being an adult. Breaking some laws has the life altering consequences not shown in popular media. If the parents cannot control their teens, then they need to seek legal help. If they can't tell you the who, what, where, when, and why of where they are going, stop them from going! If they leave, inform the police of an underage teenager on the street that needs adult supervision. If they heard you, understood you, and didn't stay in the house, then they chose the course of action and you have no choice but to follow.

Teens without adult supervision fall prey to group mentality. Only God's grace prevented the deaths of the three people in that Kroger parking lot in Memphis, Tennessee. Besides the teenagers, the parents hold some blame.

Parents need to take back the responsibility of raising their offspring!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Regarding Congress and I.S.I.S.

I was watching the news this morning.

I heard people on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" say that President Obama should obtain permission from Congress regarding I.S.I.S., though in the same breath they are also urging him not to wait on Congress and to act in an expedient manner.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the same Congress which deadlocked the passing of a balanced budget in 2013 which forced a government shutdown.. Returning from their Labor Day vacation (LABOR DAY?!? What work did those people do?!?), there are concerns of a 2014 shutdown.. This Congress would argue the value of using a bidet versus toilet paper and demand committees to determine what should be the standard toilet paper or the bidet. Can anyone else draw a parallel between this Congress and the Galactic Senate before Palpatine took power in Star Wars?

President Obama SHOULD get Congressional o.k. before he acts. In the same token, with this branch of Congressional representatives, I want him to act to deal with this threat so my grandchildren can live their lives with the worry of I.S.I.S.

Friday, September 5, 2014

I.S.I.S. Threatens Russia!

Been ill and unable to blog for a few days. Today, I Googled I.S.I.S. to see what they have been up to. There's no change in their barbaric form of Iblis worship. I scrolled down the page on I.S.I.S. after I looked up their name on Google. I also clicked on the link for images. The heads of innocent people are still being cut off so I.S.I.S. can continue their blood lust orgies. Scrolling down the page, you'll find the naked woman with her head being cut off while the blood is collected in a large metal bowl.  I hope her blood gave them indigestion and a fatal infection. The picture that lubricated their slide straight to a demon's larder is the face of the small child looking up while the muzzles of three guns are in her face. 

Now y'all done threatened the head of Russia, Vladimir Putin!  You idiots even threaten to dethrone Russia in the land of Chechnya, prompting the President of Chechnya's response:

"I state with full responsibility that the one who had the idea to express a threat to Russia and say the name of the president of the country Vladimir Putin, will be destroyed, where he did it," Kadyrov seethed. "I emphasize that they finish their days under the hot sun in Syria and Iraq, and in the first instant of death meet their eternal flames of Hell. Allahu Akbar!"

Heard of Spetsnaz? Russia doesn't play or ask even once, You will meet Iblis sooner than expected. Remember, don't take a deep breath and take shallow breaths. It will make the pain more exquisite.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A namechange for I.S.I.S.

The name of I.S.I.S., with all the various subgroups, no longer suits this terror organization.It's passed the stage of vagina envy. Since they have committed the unpardonable sin, a new name is what they need. Checking the Ubran Dictionary, I.S.I.S. should change it's name to the Dingleberries.

Only somebody with the brains of a dingleberry would do what they had did. One of the group's many offshoots, the Boko Haraam, kidnaps girls and boys to sate their lusts. Animal are not even safe from their perversion. All commit murder when the mood strikes, as each tries to outdo the other with extreme barbaric methods. The most horrendous forms of murder gives them a smile and sexual arousal. Each of them commit the unpardonable sin, knowing they will be hell bound. Each employs five times the tricks of a coward. With a mind to the Nuremburg War Crimes trials, they hide their faces as they don't want to pay for their crimes later.

Damning their own souls is not enough, however, as they gather the weak-minded people of other countries to do their murders. Now they've done beheaded another journalist. They need to remember that Saddam Hussein thought hiding in a hold would keep him safe. We dug the rat out. Osama Bin Laden thought hiding among women would keep him safe. He met his end like the coward he was.

So, Dingleberries, ignore those hairs standing up on the back of your neck. The shadows moving in the dark corners are not there. You're mistaken if you think you're being watched. Sleep tonight with your tent flaps on doors unlatched. You're safe in your world.