Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Heey Wal-Mart!

All blue links are hyperlinks to news stories. I should not have to do this but I do not want Wal-Mart to assume that I made these rumors up and attempt to sue a disabled woman for fun.

Good Morning, Wal-Mart!

I saw the news report this morning where you are stating the injuries Tracy Morgan suffered was his fault. To politely sum it up, you guys stated: 

 ...the injuries were "caused, in whole or in part, by plaintiffs' failure to properly wear an appropriate available seat belt restraint device." The company said by not using seat belts, the plaintiffs "acted unreasonably and in disregard of plaintiffs' own best interests."

Using that train of thought, the one person who had died only thought he was dead and Tracy Morgan's injuries were only in his head and his doctors were mistaken. 

Riight. Do you challenged individuals not get how insulting those words were? I also just loved how you skipped past the fact that Tracy Morgan filed a lawsuit against Kevin Roper, the driver who pled not guilty in this crash, because he was up twenty four standard hours without sleep. Even if you claim you did not force him to do so, as his employer, he was performing work you required, which made you legally responsible for his actions. 

I wonder why. Could it be because of the craptastic hours you force your employees to have? Your track record with employees is not the best, including reports of favoritism and sexism. One of my son's good friends is at the point she is in tears nightly when she works because of the yelling and blaming, including two attempted suicides. It's bad enough the Federal Government is taking a look at you for threatening and intimidating employees who speak out.

Hey guys. Just so your lawyers don't have a heart attack, my statement of your track record comes from: 


and the report of the Federal Government investigating you comes from: 


So besides the fact you forced this guy to work the hours, which caused the wreck, you victim blamed Tracy Morgan. Let me break it down for you. Victim blaming is when the victim of a crime or any wrongful act is held entirely or partially responsible for the harm that befell them.

What do I mean? 

Let's see: 

Do you blame someone who is a victim in a hit and run for being there when the drunk driver ran the stop sign?

Do you blame the person paralyzed when they were a victim in a robbery for getting food? 

Do you blame a rape victim who was beaten, almost killed, for walking to her home at night?


Then why are you blaming Tracy Morgan for the fault of your driver? 

Grow up! Shaming him makes you look guilty. Stop trying to try this case in the court of public opinion.

If you were smaller I would recommend your mommies to spank each of you. 

It might make you better humans.

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