Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A Palestinian Crime

This is sad. I saw this news report where the Palestinians attacked Israelis in  a synagogue this morning.

Question. To my understanding, both the Palestinians and Israelis worship God, yes?

Here's the thing for people to consider: murdering someone in a house of worship (temple, mosque, church, etc.) is wrong! A crime to the Most High!

To do so, to think you are in the right, it does not make you right. Doesn't matter what I think. Your actions paint you as being worse than stray dogs in the street!

Please remember:  It 'is' ok to have a theological difference. It is 'not ok' to commit an act of mindless evil. That is the work of one who serves the ultimate evil (Satan, Iblis, et. al.)

If you do this, and you think you're in the right: you have delighted the heart of Satan and he awaits your arrival.

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