Thursday, November 13, 2014

Three Thoughts

Saw CNN today. There were three points of concern I wanted to raise:

1) In re: I.S.I.S.: I was watching the news this morning and I.S.I.S. is at it again. Today they released a lot of hot; smelly air from their rear end like Al Quaeda, more so with their attempts to get the U.S. to attack them. Even crackheads on the street know damn well that I.S.I.S. is itching for the US to attack without thought, in a recruitment attempts. Keep on watching your overhead, I.S.I.S. and keep on wondering what's outside the door. It might be us. Or it might be Iblis, coming to collect.

2) In re: Russia and the Ukraine: I saw where Russia was wanting their borders respected this morning. If you want that to happen, you need to stop picking on weaker countries because you can. Hitler, whom you are emulating, belongs in history, as an example of what NOT to do, not as your role model. You state your troops haven't crossed the border into the Ukraine, though N.A.T.O. and the Ukraine say otherwise. Why are you playing the adult version of the child's game of: "I'm not touching you"? Again, why are you flying your planes close to the U.S. border in various areas? Making matters worse: you guys are not turning on your transporters. Why? Trying to get us to hit one of you guys to show how much of a badass you are? That's the action of cowards.

3) In re: Korosan: I know you guys have some of the top bomb makers around. The world knows that you are working on bombs to be sure they escape detection at airports. The third round of airstrikes in Syria were for you. We listened to your bragging. Hang on guys. We're coming to talk!

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