Sunday, November 23, 2014

In Re: Ferguson, Missouri Shooting, to the Ferguson PD, Protesters, KKK and Anonymous Hackers

Hey guys:

I have been monitoring the Ferguson, Missouri shooting incident. I laughed when my son told me a hacktivist group hacked the KKK Twitter site, even though KKK regained control. I was not amused when the KKK had said they would enforce the law in Ferguson, targeting the protesters, thus prompting the hacktivist attack. I pray, I pray hard for the Ferguson community and the surrounding area as they brace for the Grand Jury decision. I also cringe when I hear on the news Anonymous telling Ferguson PD and the KKK to be 'nice' to the protesters.

I just wanted to say this though, seeing as how things have escalated on both sides:

We have to wait for the Grand Jury to decide and to quit rushing to assumptions. If the man truthfully did it, there are civil and criminal repercussions. If he is innocent, he has to be feeling the shame of having the KKK support him.

Justice has to be tempered with mercy.

If you have issues with the ruling, work WITHIN the system to change the laws and honor the man's memory. Rioting, murder, rapes, criminal acts cheapen why he died and paints your cause in a bad light.

And for the love of all things holy, Anonymous: if you have proof linking the police officer and the Ferguson PD to the KKK, then deliver it to the grand jury instead of just bragging about it!

Thank you

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