Sunday, December 18, 2016

Daesh / Daw'aish remain devoted to Iblis

This gang of cowardly rogue dogs continue with their devotion to Iblis. Yemen is one of the poorest countries of the area with internal conflicts making it worse.  So Daesh / Daw'aish decide to gather souls for their master.  Men who lined up for pay at a military base fell victim to a weak minded suicide bomber.  Daesh /Daw'aish convinced him to slap Allah / God on the face by destroying his greatest creation, Man.  On Sunday, this weak minded individual blew himself up. His cowardly action killed 52 and injured 34.  Responsibility was claimed from a safe distance by Daesh / Daw'aish.  On December 10 of this month, there was a high death toll from a suicide bombing. Cowardly Daesh / Daw'aish claimed responsibility from a safe distance.

Daesh / Daw'aish failed to read the following verses and understand them. They should  read the information in the following links to understand how they have been lied to and are lying to other,

"Whoever kills a believer intentionally, their reward will be Hell, to abide therein forever, and the wrath and the curse of Allah are upon them, and a dreadful penalty is prepared for them." (Holy Quran, Chapter 4, Verse 93)

"Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians -- whoever believes in God and the Last Day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor shall they grieve" (2:62, 5:69, and many other verses).

There were no virgins of either sex waiting for this murderer upon his death. It is very clear what the Quran says his punishment will be. See the above two verses. The first taste of the fruit of Zaqqum will  open his eyes to this.  Most likely there were 72 demons waiting  to make him into their personal  torture toy for all eternity. Perhaps Iblis chose him to be a live snacks in his larder. 

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.


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