Wednesday, December 21, 2016

How does that make our nation great again?

I could not believe what I read in the links below.  Newt Gingrich believes the laws on ethics should be changed for President-elect Trump.  Gingrich felt that he (Trump) is ultra wealthy and should not be held to the same standards of ethics as other Presidents.  It is too hard for him.  I ask "Why is he to be President?" if current ethics are too hard for him.

The office of President is the highest in our country. He sets the standards for the nation. Why lower the standards? How does that make our nation great again?  The laws on ethics are there for a purpose. The actions of the President should always be open and beyond reproach.

Newt Gingrich gives a reason why.  President-elect Trump has the power to give pardons.  He can just issue a pardon for himself and others. It makes my chest hurt to think about that possibility and consequence.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

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