Wednesday, May 16, 2018

A personal thought on bad behavior of adults (UPDATE)

Just want to let some people in Atlanta know what the "Golden rule"does not mean.  It does not mean  run a person over so you can see if they have gold in their pocket.  You do not get points in real life for dinging people on a sidewalk or drowning them on the same sidewalk.

Lone Walker was going to the train station. He was walking on the side walk. Doing otherwise is asking to be hit in Atlanta. The area he lives in has a bad habit of hitting people in crosswalks. The rain started coming down super heavy.  He has an umbrella, so he was not worried about it.  He should have been worried about the "mentally challenged"  who never should have been driving.

There was an elderly gentleman also walking to the train station. Cars deliberately ran next to them on the sidewalk in order to splash them. The worst was when a bus  from Atlanta's transit system did the same as the the cars ahead of him. Even the elderly gentleman with him could see the driver laughing.

Lone Walker now gets to travel by train for an hour in office work clothes that are dripping wet. His leather shoes are ruined. He told me he looks like a drowned rat.  Unfortunately, his job will not let him return home for dry clothes.

I asked him how many cars splashed them on the way to the train station. He told me 15 plus one city bus. He told me what should be sad. "It's Atlanta,  bad and poor behavior lead the way and makes this the norm." No one cares. They are glad that it was not them.

***UPDATE*** Lone Walker had to go to the Emergency Room. While jumping out of the way of vehicles trying to splash him, he sprained his ankle. It was bad enough that it had to be evaluated by a Dr.

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