Friday, May 11, 2018

Pervasive rape culture in India claims another victim.

IN New Delhi, India, another barbaric atrocity has been committed against a 16 year old female. A 26 year old man raped a 16 year old in the Sagar district of Madhya Pradesh state. When she told him that she would tell her parents, he poured kerosene over her and set her on fire. Her young brother who was out playing came home when he saw rising black smoke. He saw a man who turned out to be the murderer watching the fire and his sister burning.

What is really sick is that 2 men were arrested. One is the cousin of the 16 year old. He told the married rapist who has a child that she was home alone. This turned out to be  a planned  barbaric atrocity.

India can not be a great till it addresses this issue.  Some men men feel free to rape and kill young girls like they are disposable.  The laws are so ineffective that they are almost nonexistent.

It should be simple direct and hard. Once it is proven or confessed to, the sentence if not death should be 25 years hard labor. No early release even for good behavior, family tragedy or illness. All possessions and money should be taken from the prisoner and turned over to the victims parents. If a man knows his family will suffer greatly for his misdeeds, perhaps he will stop before doing this kind of atrocity. It may seem unfair to give his all to the parents of his victims. It is the only way to compensate them for their loss. The man's family may be on the street but a human being has been murdered in a savage manner.

For the sake of the souls of the victims family, they can forgive him. He needs to answer fully in this life for what he has done. If there is a belief in reincarnation, maybe this will lessen the drop on the karmic ladder for the murderer.

I watched news feeds and read the links below for information before blogging.

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