Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Gina Haspel was told torture was legal and she believed it!

Gina Haspel is undergoing a Senate Confirmation hearing to fill the position of head of the C.I.A. She has around 30 years of experience.  There is a big problem with her confirmation. The problem centers around her being in charge at the Black-Ops sites of "Quartz" in Poland and " Cat's Eye" in Thailand.

Specifically she needs to answer for the torture that went on there. Also, her involvement in the destruction of the torture tapes. According to what I read in the links below, she and others did not want the same bad publicity that happened when the torture tapes from Maghreb Prison were made public. So the tapes were destroyed. Through the use of double speak, she admitted that torture occurred. A lawyer told her that this torture was legal. In that case since she believed it, I have some imaginary land in the Artic for sale that is a warm swamp.

A intellectually deficit person can call water boarding enhanced interrogation all they want to.  I love the definition that Wikipedia and other links give. Water boarding is a euphemism for torture. In 2006, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was sent to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. He was water boarded 183 times. Read the second link to hear from people subjected to this torture. This is only one of the tortures inflicted on people in these sites. Gina Haspel was aware of this and allowed it to continue. By allowing this to continue, she was just as guilty.  Please read all of the *'ed links. The second link is one that will make you want to ask her why while looking at her eyes while she answers.

Some involved say they learned important things. I spent time chasing this on the Internet. I found no documented evidence of this.  I feel what they found was more of personal sexual response they had to torture.

The people involved never stopped to consider one point. Torture will make a person say what ever you want in order to get it to stop. Enough torture would even make the Pope declare he was a "Pretty, pretty Princess."

The Nuremberg trials were very specific in punishment handed down. Just because your superior told you to do something does not mean that you get off free. If it violates law, then you are guilty. To make it easier for those who want to be difficult, "if it violates the Geneva Convention, you are guilty." Remember that the lie to ones self is the worst lie. Just because a lawyer says it's OK , does not mean it is OK. Each person is given a brain that they must use in order to avoid involvement in these types of situations.

I watched news feed and read information from the following links before blogging.





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