Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Bangladesh joins list of countries allowing dishonorable killings to fester like a wound

A student (Nusrat Rafi) reported the Principle of her school to the police because he sexually harassed her. He kept touching her against her will. The correct paperwork was filled out. A video tape of Miss Rafi's questioning was made on the Police Chief's cell phone.  At the end, the Police Chief is heard to comment that this was(No Big Deal.) This same video was leaked to the press mysteriously from his phone.

11 days later Miss Rafi went to school to take her exams. A female student lured her to the roof. A group surrounded her and tied her up.  Kerosene was pored over her body and she was set on fire. It seems that the Principle asked the students to make her death appear as a suicide if she did not withdraw her complaint. The scarves binding her wrists and ankles burned off. She ran downstairs screaming and collapsed. She died of burns over 80% of body about 5 days later. In the ambulance on the way to the hospital, she recorded what happened to her on her brothers cell phone. Later, a letter written by her before she was burned had details recorded. 17 students were arrest that were involved with this atrocity.

See link  number 2. It gives the definition that cowards use to excuse their murder. The Wikipedia definition for murder is link 3. Both actions are murder. The only difference is that dishonorable killing occurred in a country where women rank lower than livestock. It's OK because it is done by men. These Iblis worshippers want to send many souls to their master. Women are just easier to kill and the legal system doesn't care.

Most of these murderers and their supporters forget the teaching of their Holy Book the Quran.

"Whoever kills a believer intentionally, their reward will be Hell, to abide therein forever, and the wrath and the curse of Allah are upon them, and a dreadful penalty is prepared for them." (Holy Quran, Chapter 4, Verse 93)

The Urban dictionary gives a perfect definitions for gangs.  It refers to them as "The little league of Organized Crime."  For these cowards that claim they are men, it has the perfect definition that fits their actions. It's true that they have the genitals of a man. They just don't have the understanding of what being a man is all about. Go to the Urban dictionary links below.

Truth is unchanging. It is the same from the beginning of time. It will be the same at the end of time. At no time has Allah / God asked anyone to murder for him. That is the work of demons in human skin.  Man does not need an intermediary to know the will of Allah / God.  Doing what a false leader of a faith practice tells you or what demon "wanna be" tells you will still land a person in hell. There will be no 72 virgins  of any sex for any murderer or false leader. They will likely  spend eternity as a sex toy for demons. Their view of their hellish paradise comes after their first bite of the fruit of Zaqqum.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.








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