Saturday, May 4, 2019

North Korea is run by a devil's apostate

Kim Jong-Un is the rogue husk of a former person. This husk has become host to a demon. That demon now controls the body of former human Kim Jong-Un.  His many decisions now serve only the minions of a hell demon.

The people in North Korea have been suffering from the effects of a famine for a long time. North Korea used to give its people some food rations to help. These rations unfortunately were all most of his people ate. Meat came only once or twice a year when someone managed to catch a rat. Their normal diet consists of rice and Kim-chi (fermented cabbage.) Their food rations went from 380 grams a person last year to 300 grams a person this year. See the link with three ***'s.

Kim Jong-Un would make Hitler proud. He implemented  Hitler's "Life unworthy of life" campaign in a weird sadistic way. He is starving the children and babies of his country to death. The backbone of a whole generation will be eradicated. The demon he serves must be so pleased. Those in servitude to demons say to please a demon is like a sexual pleasure. No wonder he has a glazed look all the time.

Concentration camps have become a favorite tool of this human husk for demons. They are used to keep his people in line.  It doesn't take much to get a person sent there along with his entire family line. See the link with four ****'s in front of it. See also the link with five***** in front of it. He can deny them all he wants but images from space can't lie.
How can Kim Jong-Un starve his people to death?  His face shows where the food that he took from his people goes. He eats it himself. Judgment day will be a shock for him. No one can escape answering for their crimes on judgment day even if they don't believe. The angels will force his head down as they escort him to  hell.

I watched news feeds and read the following links for information before blogging. Also watched a short video before blogging.




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