Sunday, May 26, 2019

Lets talk about "Sagging Pants" and men holding their penis in public.

It is difficult to go anywhere in the United States without seeing someone sporting sagging pants.  Some say it is a way to thumb your nose at society. There are some who say it is a way to advertise a desire for a date from another male. There some who say its just a fashion trend.  Read the third link. It reveals the real story behind sagging pants.

Times have really changed. Used to be, a female could look at the square jaw of a man and how he carried himself and consider getting to know him.  Now days, I look at a man and have to quickly look away.  Pants are not just sagging. They are being worn blow the buttocks. The worse is those with no underwear on. Some men are not even bothering to stay clean. They appear to be proud of the secretion stains on their underwear or buttocks. They want everyone to see them and most unfortunately smell them.

I don't understand men holding on to their penis in public.  Since their pants are about to fall off, maybe  holding on to their penis is  a way to keep their pants on and masturbate in public without being arrested.  Perhaps, they are scared their penis will fall off. They can look it up on the Internet if they don't trust their elders. It will not fall off.  If he holds onto it because it itches, he can go to a free clinic. Medication will stop the reason for the "itches."

Men need to return to the era of respect for self. Take baths. Change your underwear daily and more frequently if dirty. Don't openly hold your genitals in public and try to hide your masturbation. Try to stay clean. Showing disrespect for yourself, lets me know how little you will respect me.

I had to watch news feeds and read the following links to understand a fashion and  cultural no - no.

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