Wednesday, May 29, 2019

India chooses to remain third world

A 19 year old woman was dragged from her bed that she shared with another woman in a small town in India. She was beaten and tied to a tree. Both of her parents were prevented from helping her. Very concerned neighbors called the police. The police were the ones to release the woman and take a report.

India is a large country with potential. The thing that stops it in its growth is its disrespect for law and treatment of women as livestock.  Same sex relationships were decriminalized last year in India. It's people do as they please. The criminals are not afraid. Why should they be? Nothing ever happen to them!

India needs to act swift and fast. A traveling judicial system and military police force is needed. Sometimes people have to be dragged kicking and screaming into compliance with the law. The guilty should be arrested. Their trial should be conducted within a week. Judgment passed and carried out within a week. The regular judicial system does not have a say in this system. These criminals were not made to answer for their crimes in the regular system due its inability to think or act beyond squawking like a plucked chicken.  

When enough of these little boys in grown men's bodies are made to answer swiftly for their crimes against women, the need for this court will decrease. 

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

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