Sunday, August 31, 2014

Hey I.S.I.S.

Hey I.S.I.S.: Don't want you to think that you've been forgotten. Everyone is watching. Your last film of a soldier being decapitated was noted. What's next? A film of one of your litter mates playing with his poop? Or making dinner plates with his poop?

Today, the town of Amerli was freed from your grasp. There will be no more sacrifices for Iblis taken from this group. Does that mean, members of I.S.I.S., that Iblis takes some of you to keep the count up? Who decides which member of I.S.I.S. hops on Iblis's dick?

America's not the only country which is looking at you closely. All other countries have taken note of the traitors among you. Our memory as well as our reach is long. The best action against rogue barnyard animals is one well thought out and initiated at our pace.

Keep looking over your shoulders. Wake up at night to strange sounds. Yes you are being watched. And yes, someone is deciding when to act.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Russia and Ukraine

Watched the news channel this morning. I don't do illegal drugs nor drink. If I did, however, I would be tempted to ask Mr. Putin to let me try what he's been smoking. It has to be something powerful for him to believe his own propaganda.

Nobody doubts that Russia is a superpower. The fact that they can inflict harm to other nations isn't in question. Protecting it's borders as a sovereign nation isn't in question.

What people ARE questioning is the Hitler-esque actions that Russia is doing.You are supporting the Pro-Russian Ukrainian rebels.  Tanks have entered Ukraine's border.

Let's get real about something. A Russian official called the satellite picture of the tanks false, and something from a video game. Mr. Putin, dude, bro...however you want to call yourself, get real. It's evident your officials need some education.

Above all, there's something else you need to realize. Evidently, your handlers are keeping too much from you. Your people may have to swallow what oozes forth from your office for their physical health. They may even have to believe it. Do not expect, however, the world to follow suit.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Cruelty begets Cruelty

Ok. This is in regards to I.S.I.S.:

Recently it was reported on "Good Morning America" I.S.I.S. water boarded James Foley twice, using C.I.A. techniques.

Someone forget to tell I.S.I.S. that two wrongs never make a right?

I've heard it said that water boarding was referred to as 'extreme discomfort', and is necessary as a part of an 'advanced interrogation technique',  to obtain information from a subject which refuses to share information under 'normal means'. What follows is my response to the phrase 'extreme discomfort': Extreme discomfort my ass! I was water boarded by someone who was treated to this 'advanced interrogation technique'. He spread what he learned liberally and freely. It hurt, people! Cold water in the lungs burns like the fires of hell. I did drown. I am extremely grateful to the gentleman who revived me, else I would not be discussing such with you.

Normally, the people who spout these lies are those who perform the technique.The people who perform these techniques have a sadistic streak. They on purpose forget to check the health condition of the person before they cause irreversible damage.

The C.I.A. forgets that they played a part in this. Someone forgot to tell the C.I.A. that even the Catholic Popes would say 'what was necessary' to get the pain to stop. They did this to people under the auspices of getting more information. The people who survived have a grudge against America now and they are performing this barbaric and brutal practice on captured Americans.

Until we the people speak up, this cycle will never break.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Russia's current military actions

So. I have a question for you:

When Russia removed all satellite countries back in the late 80's to early 90's, allowing for them to declare independence, did anyone else think that it was only a temporary measure? That Russia, when it's infrastructure improved, it's ability to 'get off it's ass and scramble' as my son put it improved, would be going to collect each country one by one?

Why am I asking this? Russia invaded Ukraine, as per the news this morning. When the United States and others chastised Russia for giving support to the Ukraine rebels, Vladimir Putin had what I described as a 'so what' look, reminding me of when I tried to get my son to clean his room. His look, demeanor and personality reminded me of someone who had made up their mind and did not care what the world thought. To me, personally, it reminded me of when President Bush was giving his reasons for the Iraq war around 2005 to 2006. At that time I told my son and a few friends: "He made up his mind. He's just telling us 'why' we're going to do so"

If Putin is doing what I think he is, Ukraine will not be the only country Russia will be invading. Mark my words: Russia 'will' be reclaiming it's satellite nations.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Death of a 13 year old in Carrolton, Georgia

On August 23rd, 2014, a Saturday, Nizzear Rodrigues celebrated his 13th birthday. Sunday, August 24th, 2014, something unspeakable happened. When a member of his family went to wake him, he was found dead. During the course of the night, a coward crept into his bedroom and shot him in the head. What makes this more disturbing is that he may not have been a target!

The person arrested is a teenager. He's young enough not to be able to buy alcohol but old enough to get the death penalty.

Time to make some changes people! Start with appropriate mandatory conflict resolution classes at all grade levels. Make 'em mandatory to pass, as important as the placement tests.

Even better would be classes on how to make good decision levels with the same qualifications...

Pray for the family, folks. Pray for them as they have to get ready to bury their child. If you can donate to the burial cost, ever better. PLEASE, regardless, teach your children about the permanent consequences of bad decisions.

I.S.I.S. - A solution to your odor problem

Life must be getting a little rough about now for you. Noted while I was watching a new report that most of your litter mates appear a bit 'ripe'. Dodging bombs doesn't give you much time for hygiene. Adding 'fear sweat' and a lack of toilet paper adds a sort of road kill smell, doesn't it? Oh. I forgot: You have to add in the smell of blood, brains and bodily fluids of your victims as well, and a new smell develops. This miasma is attractive to buzzards and hellhounds only.

Here's a solution which should help. Send the Brit home to England to change his undies. Any Americans who are playing with you need to go home as well. There's a lot of people eager to scrub them, and our government will give them clean clothing.

This way, I.S.I.S., you do not have to worry, bodily filth and odor won't deter Iblis from collecting your soul. It's just icing on the cake.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Napa Valley Quake

Saw on CNN the earthquake. My prayers go out to those injured, including those who feel afraid and alone. For those who want to help, make a donation to the National Red Cross or Salvation Army with the tag for the Napa Valley Quake Victims. If you're inclined, inquire at each agency about training to help in case, Heaven forbid, a situation happens locally.

The Damned

I.S.I.S.: at one time you knew and felt God's Love. You bowed your head and body in prayer. Then you chose a new master in Iblis. To serve this master, you turned your back on God. You committed the unpardonable sin.

The world is taking note. People are trying to stop your sacrifices to Iblis. Your body count was dropping. What happened? Iblis spank you? I bet his screeching still rings in the hollow spot between your ears.

Sadly, like good little spawns of hell, you zeroed in on the town of Amerli. The food and water supplies have been cut as you sought to sacrifice these souls, about 20,000, to Iblis. You forget though that God sees all. They go to Heaven as you just keep on lubricating the slide to Hell with your name on it. Hitler smiles in anticipation of your arrival 'cos he's tired of Iblis's undivided attention. 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Hey I.S.I.S.!

Do you find yourself getting restless and looking over your shoulder? Do those tiny hairs on the back of your neck stand up? Have you looked quickly and nobody there? Bad nightmares? Find yourself waking up to a noise that you can't find the source?

First: God is watching.

Second: You're not paranoid. People are out to get you. Murdering innocents by proxy will not save you. The Brit who covered his face is being searched for. Your actions just add one more bullet to the box of bullets with your name on it. With each murder, the storerooms are almost full with the boxes of bullets labeled "I.S.I.S.". Soon, you'll meet your god Iblis. He'll lick you slowly from head to toe. See, he will stock his larder with you and the rest of the lunch wannabes who roam the earth right now and he just needs to know what cut of nasty you are.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Why I write this:

Just to let people know in case there is a question why I write this blog:

I cannot fight and I have no political influence. If a person sees evil and does nothing about it, they are just as evil. Thus, I do what I can in bogs.

True Definition of I.S.I.S. Terrorist

The definition of I.S.I.S. terrorist is simple:

"A gutless coward" 

Note the I.S.I.S. construct standing besides James Foley on the execution video circulating the internet. As the true man is forced to his knees, the construct is standing with his face covered. The only logical reason I can determine that the construct has his face covered is that he will be hunted down for his crimes.

The fires of the damned glow from this construct's face. Do note the true man who had been forced to his knees. James Foley's back is straight and his eyes are forward. The only reason he read what he did was so that his loved ones could hear his voice one last time.

I.S.I.S., be careful. You judge others and inflict cruelty on your victims. This will be done to you. The angels took James Foley to heaven while the demons of Jahenna are awaiting your presence. They do not await you to honor you. They await you to stock their larders. Dear I.S.I.S., take solace in this face: as you are the main course for the demons of Jahenna and their master Iblis, you do not have to eat from the fruit of Zaqqum.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Definition of a coward

O I.S.I.S., do you not know what the definition of a coward is?

Coward: "A person that keeps his face covered and begs others to bomb people and places he does not like"

You have already damned yourself. Why, O I.S.I.S., do you damn others to Jahenna with you? The only answer that I could think of was that you wanted company. Facing Iblis would be scary for cowards such as yourself. The whole lot of you have not learned that no matter how fast and how hard you run, when you stop, your crimes are right beside you. The fruits of Zaqqum, O I.S.I.S., are ripe and waiting for you to sup.

Monday, August 18, 2014

I.S.I.S. - Spawn of Satan

O I.S.I.S. - A Sexual Jihad? Really? You are truly from the shallow end of the gene pool. Only someone whose family tree doesn't fork would consider this a good idea. Forcing families to send their unmarried daughters to you for use as a sex toy is sick. The only god who smiles on this is the one who rules in Jahenna. Men having sex with animals seem to be ok with your ideology. Go find some nice placid goat or donkey. Heaven would cry from grief if you abominations of desolation impregnated a human female.

I did not believe this at first till I googled I.S.I.S. - sexual jihad.  The reader who does this needs to take their time and read all the articles. There are a couple of articles calling this a hoax, with the gist of it stating that the writer cannot believe it. All I can say is: "Damn. I.S.I.S. is composed of nothing but sick, demented, perverted, inbred hellspawn."

Thursday, August 14, 2014

I.S.I.S. is a cult

I.S.I.S. claims that it is fighting for their religious beliefs. Religion, in my opinion, is a horrible word. Millions have died worldwide because of that word, from the past to the present. They died because zealots mistakenly thought untold deaths would get them company on their one way trip to hell.

Belief and faith in God are what matters. Faith practices are how like minded people see and serve God. I.S.I.S. believes in Jannah (Heaven) and Jahennan (Hell). It's unfortunate their faith and faith practices serve the scions of Hell. 

I have known true Muslims that are a testimony to their faith. They 'walk the walk' as well as 'talk the talk' in all parts of their lives, acting justly with God foremost in all they do. This is as God commands. 

I.S.I.S. is an offshoot of Al-Quaeda. What's disturbing is that they are too violent for Al-Quaeda, which led to them being booted from that organization. Seems they forgot this from their Quran.

O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah , witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do. [Surat Al-Ma'idah 5:8]

Evidence of brutality, cruelty and devil worship can be found doing an internet search. Go to Google.Com. Then type in I.S.I.S. Iraq. Read the articles then scroll down to the images tab and click on images. Noting every act of cruelty, reflecting their worship of Iblis (Satan) from encouraging and brainwashing pre-pubescent children whom hold assault rifles to terrorist over dead bodies with a look of sexual ecstasy over them,[in order to see this most disturbing image, go near the end of the first image search then click for see more search results and scroll down to see this], to beheaded young girls, especially the young one in a blue dress. Tell me what crime she could have committed I.S.I.S.? I.S.I.S. will roast slowly for all eternity in hell. 

Congratulations are now in order, I.S.I.S. In under 50 years, you have earned a permanent spot in Hell's hottest fires. 

Act Wisely for Michael Brown

Nothing can be done to bring back the unarmed teenager shot to death. It's a senseless loss that affects everyone who hears about it. However, everyone who wants to act needs to stop and think about it!

Destroying businesses that do not belong to you helps nobody, makes you a criminal. Taking merchandise that belongs to others means you are a thief. Attacking cops means you have a death wish. Criminals and thieves are nothing but future prison inmates. Having a death wish means you belong on a locked psych ward. Nobody has been helped! Your actions will now be controlled in a way out of the deepest darkest corners of your mind, reflecting your hidden nightmares.

Calm down if you want to help. Organize a voter drive to do several things:

1) A voter drive to remove the police chief for failure to control his officers.

2) A voter drive to remove any city officials connected with decreased funds to retain and train police officers.

3) Organize a drive at the state level to get yearly psychological testing for law enforcement. Depending on the test, several responses for not making the grade from treatment, to job placement that doesn't threaten the public to retirement with no threat to pension. Grant you the state will kvetch but they have to pay for such.

4) Mandatory yearly training in psychology, sociology and English offered online.

5) As the state will kvetch, whine and moan that there is not enough funding to do three and four, start a drive to get rid of government perks. Remove government cars and drivers and free gas. Enforce mandatory eight hour shifts to get access to health insurance and the like, so that the government workers can see how private sector employees have to earn their perks. This will have additional benefits on other topics.

6) All police shootings reviewed by the Missouri Bureau of Investigation.

People! Put your anger into righteous anger. Make changes that count for a lifetime and call them the 'Michael Brown' Laws.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Re: Shooting death in Ferguson, Missouri

Just saw the ABC News report about the shooting death of the unarmed 18 year old, Michael Brown. As a single parent of a son, it fired me up. I researched this on all listed news sites I could find on the internet. The mother was angry but presented herself in a controlled way. I would have been foaming at the mouth and screeching like a banshee!

All the articles I read and video clips I saw from ABC News to Reuters, even the Wall Street Journal, said the same thing: the police officer pulled up to Mr. Brown and another man. Said officer was shoved back into his car and Mr. Brown and the officer struggled in the car. A shot was fired in the car with more shots fired after Mr. Brown left the car. All shell casings came from the officer's gun.

Like the state of Georgia, all police involved shootings should not be investigated by the local departments. They should be investigated by the Bureau of Investigation for that state. In this case, the Missouri Bureau of Investigation. If guilty, the case should be kicked higher up the food chain for indictment.

Everyone needs to wait for results of the investigation. We should remember our rights as citizens, watch their actions closely and wait. Officials who were dead wrong can be removed by the vote of the citizens by the next election. There can be many types of civil lawsuits, including those for depraved indifference.

Destroying local businesses, however, is NOT a way to show support for Michael Brown and his family. This is not 'a color thing' in reference to the vandalism. It is 'an idiot thing'. The only benefit I saw was the burglars running off  grinning and laughing with handfuls of stolen merchandise, with their faces clear enough for prosecution.

The lack of concern I saw for Mr. Brown is evidenced by what I saw two looters do on video clips: One had stripped down to his underwear. He was going down the street holding an immense flat screen TV. The other person was dressed in a way showing confusion about how a male should present himself in society. This individual had completely covered his face. The only problem was his butt was uncovered showing disrespect for himself, Michael Brown and his family. By the way, he should not have been proud to show his 'Dirty Drawers with Racing Stripes!'

Teach your sons what I taught mine. You cannot beat the ride to jail. A cop can and will, regardless of right or wrong, take you to jail. Be respectful and do as you are told. Recall everything done and said. A lawyer will want to know it all. If being ugly is called for that is my right as the parent. A lawyer will want you to remember everything to beat the charge. Don't be stupid with the youthful pre-conceived, ill-advised notions on how to react to injustice. Dead people are frequently right but still dead.

Human beings, being what they are, require a police force. It is an absolute necessity. This brings another maxim in the light: absolute power corrupts absolutely. Education and oversight are two of the easiest ways to intervene and control this problem. Every law enforcement officer needs a new psychological evaluation to see if they still have the ability to still function as a cop. Those that can't need to be moved to a job that does not interact with people until they can return to their jobs. Some need to be retired. This information needs to be tightly controlled. Those who want to sneak a peak at the psych evals need serious jail time.

Start education at 10 Contact hours per year. This needs to be done online and each state should pay for it.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Hey I.S.I.S - Everyone knows who the coward is!

While watching CNN on TV, I saw one of Satan's deviant; intellectually challenged constructs having an episode of diarrhea of the lips. While expelling the diarrhea from his mouth, he could not look at the cameras. This creature declared that the American soldiers were cowards. With the vapid affect of the challenged, he oozed forth these statements. My response is underneath: 

1) I.S.I.S. has declared a caliphate in Iraq. 

LOLWUT as my son would say. There's a problem here. O I.S.I.S., the caliphate you declared is not lawful according to Muslim standards. Getting past the rhetoric on the internet, it is noted that the way to establish a caliphate is either to have the area in question vote on being one, or the caliph be a direct line descendant of Muhammad. Burden of proof is on you, O I.S.I.S. Know you this from the Quran about lying: 

O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah , even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, Allah is more worthy of both. So follow not [personal] inclination, lest you not be just. And if you distort [your testimony] or refuse [to give it], then indeed Allah is ever, with what you do, Acquainted.  (Surat An-Nisa' 4:135)

And for you to claim hypocrisy stating that you are in Darul Harb because of your own misguided perception that America, which accepts all faiths including Islam, is at war with you, recall you, O I.S.I.S., what your own Quran states about being the best example to all people as Allah demands it:

You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah . (Surat Ali'Imran 3:110)

Knowing thus, can you honestly tell the world that you declared the Caliphate of Iraq by those standards? 

As it stands, O I.S.I.S., even by those who share the faith with you, you are declared a terrorist group. Reason: You kidnap, maim, mutilate, destroy and steal for the joy of doing so. Read you the definition from the National Institute of Justice on terrorism: 

"Unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian populace or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social gains." 

And because, O I.S.I.S., your actions are najis in nature (yes I said your actions are unclean in nature) and you act as kafir, and your band are a bunch of kuffar (Look it up. Your actions 'ARE' those who know the truth and reject it..hence disbelievers), read you the words of Allah.

You quote Quran Chapter 9 verse 5 for your actions. Did you not read verse 4 and 6 before such? Here, since you persist in your ignorance, is the full verse, and may wisdom be given to you: 

Excepted are those with whom you made a treaty among the polytheists and then they have not been deficient toward you in anything or supported anyone against you; so complete for them their treaty until their term [has ended]. Indeed, Allah loves the righteous [who fear Him].And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah . Then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know.   (Surat At-Tawbah 9:4-6)

Hint, O I.S.I.S., you sons of Iblis, you special fecking snowflakes. Did the people you slay declare they would kill you? No? Then you violate your own holy book!

Read you what is pleasing to Allah, you deviants: 

Goodness and evil are not equal.
Repel evil with what is better.
Then that person with whom there was hatred,
may become your intimate friend!
And no one will be granted such goodness
except those who exercise patience and self-restraint,
none but people of the greatest good fortune. (Surat Fussilat 41:34-35)

O I.S.I.S., I have questions. You are destroying the infrastructure of the land. Who's going to live there. How can anyone survive on rocks? How do you expect them to survive? Are you aware of how long it takes to rebuild an infrastructure? This doesn't take into account the cost. 

It was disgusting, O I.S.I.S., that for your acts of your true father Iblis you call Americans cowards. Read you a common definition of coward. "A human being that physically has male reproductive organs but does not know the first thing about being a man"   - Taken from

Go back to your mothers or the women who stood in for them. Hand them a paddle. Ask for chastisement. Go to bed without a meal. Wake up the next day and sit at her knee. Ask to be re instructed on how to be a male who is civilized. 

I find it funny, O I.S.I.S., that you state the flag of Islam will be flown over the White House. You forget the basic step in the art of warfare: Know thy enemy. We won our independence from England. Our warfare tactics can handle you. By the by, sons of Iblis, does the fruit of Zaqqum taste like pork? 

Friday, August 8, 2014

I.S.I.S. - Be Careful What You Wish For

I.S.I.S., it is evident you never learned one lesson while suckling at the teat of Satan's barnyard animals. Our life as an individual or group is the result of our actions. Indeed, your actions, individually and collectively, 'do hell proud!'

You, dear I.S.I.S., murder people for funsies. As evidenced by this photo, found when Google Image searching I.S.I.S. terrorists, you can see Satan's children playing with the severed head of victims, and show, O I.S.I.S., the cause you truly advocate. Did you not forget, from your holy Qu'aran: 

"To those who believe and do deeds of righteousness hath Allah promised forgiveness and a great reward" (Surah 5:9)


"And He answers those who believe and do good deeds, and gives them more out of His grace; and (as for) the unbelievers, they shall have a severe punishment" (Surah 42:26).

Why, O I.S.I.S., do you permit Satan, Iblis, your father, access by the seven gates? Did you not forget the seven gates are: 

  1. Disbelief
  2. Innovations (bid'ah)
  3. Minor sins
  4. Major sins
  5. Busying with permissible deeds to the exclusion of rewardable deeds
  6. Busying with deeds of lesser reward instead of greater reward
  7. And finally by unleashing the shayatin from among the jinn and humankind upon that person.
You, O I.S.I.S., increase the souls in Iblis's domain. Not the souls of those murdered, but the soulless shells of what was once humans doing the murders done in the name of I.S.I.S.

Over the last several months, I've been following the internet's coverage of your unchecked rampage. Your offshoot group, Boko Haram, kidnaps girls and boys for brides and sex slaves. O I.S.I.S., did the grown women run faster then the children? I question how many barnyard animals were not safe from your lusts. If anyone disagrees with you, murder is the collective response. You experimented with what was a cheap, painful murder method like the Romans. Crucifixion is horrible and painful. It can last for a couple of days before death ensures. People can watch and listen to the howls of agony from the dying. How many of your members, O I.S.I.S., became sexually aroused and showed their perversion in public? 

Christianity and Islam share many prophets. The Youtube video of Jonah's tomb being destroyed by a sledgehammer did not further your cause. Blowing up his tomb, though you forget that:

 "And insult not those whom they (disbelievers) worship besides God, lest they insult God wrongfully without knowledge. Thus We have made fair-seeming to each people its own doings; then to their Lord is their return and He shall then inform them of all that they used to do" (Qu'ran 6:108)


They say: 'We make no distinction between one and another of His Messengers.' And they say: 'We hear, and we obey. We seek Thy forgiveness, Our Lord, and to Thee is the end of all journeys.'" (Al-Baqarah, 2:285)

was not a shock. Your hate pours forth from the empty void that held your soul. It's akin to a living jinn Iblis planted when you made a pact with him, forfeiting your soul. Jonah's tomb was destroyed because it was not Islamic enough? Idiot! Yunus is a prophet listed in your own holy Qu'ran!

O I.S.IS., you have now driven out 10,000 people up a mountain. There is no water or food, and children are dying. The Mosul Dam is high on your list for complete capture. Your only reason, O I.S.I.S., is for the death you can cause by flooding or denial of water. Those on the mountain are there for the murder at your convenience

President Obama is finally responding to stop the genocide. The U.S. is dropping food and water on the mountain. I would advise, O I.S.I.S. to not fire on the planes. There will be a response of a nature that will return the pain and discomfort you cause back to you fourfold. 

The world has noted that you have attracted women from all countries to be brides for some of your soldiers. What, not enough sane women in your culture? There are always slightly unstable women attracted to the mentally infirm. Instead of gaining honorable marriage partners, O I.S.I.S., the world now accuses you of human trafficking as well as other sins.

Thy actions, O I.S.I.S., have gained the attention you seek. Now you must answer this: can you handle the attention you have gained?

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

I.S.I.S. - Committed to Satan

It does not matter your faith practice. What matters is that you have faith. I.S.I.S. tried to rename itself. It's lack of faith led it to originally choose an acronym that shows that the men in the group have "Vagina Envy". Reason: You only destroy what you fear or secretly wish to be. No matter what name they now attach to themselves, it does not change one basic fact: No matter how much perfume is poured on a pile of garbage, it's still a pile of garbage.

I.S.I.S. needs to read their book of faith. It will enlighten them.

Wonder if they read this from their own Koran?  Specifically:

Sura 4 vs 36: Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the neighbor farther away, the companion at your side, the traveler, and those whom your right hands possess. Indeed, Allah does not like those who are self-deluding and boastful.  

Really think they should read the last line there, yes?

This group which has committed themselves to Satan is trying very hard to control the Mosul Damn. The deaths this would cause by flooding or dehydration fills the heart with dread. Near the damn is a religious sect called Yazidi. What's funny is I.S.I.S. calls the Yazidi devil worshipers. 

The Al-Ebadah (Act of Worship) shows clearly that I.S.I.S. worships Satan. By looking up images of this group  you will see that there is not an evil, wicked or demented act this group will not commit. Note a couple of pictures showing the corruption of children. Take the time to read the articles. I.S.I.S. in it's current vernacular 'Does Hell proud'.