Monday, August 25, 2014

I.S.I.S. - A solution to your odor problem

Life must be getting a little rough about now for you. Noted while I was watching a new report that most of your litter mates appear a bit 'ripe'. Dodging bombs doesn't give you much time for hygiene. Adding 'fear sweat' and a lack of toilet paper adds a sort of road kill smell, doesn't it? Oh. I forgot: You have to add in the smell of blood, brains and bodily fluids of your victims as well, and a new smell develops. This miasma is attractive to buzzards and hellhounds only.

Here's a solution which should help. Send the Brit home to England to change his undies. Any Americans who are playing with you need to go home as well. There's a lot of people eager to scrub them, and our government will give them clean clothing.

This way, I.S.I.S., you do not have to worry, bodily filth and odor won't deter Iblis from collecting your soul. It's just icing on the cake.

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